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BattlehornCastleEnhanced game crash


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Hi guys,


I was playing around with the CS and I blew it up... Even though I didn't knowingly changed anything, my game's bugged. Since then, every time I try to run the game with the mod, it crashes before starting up (I don't even get the hear the intro music). If I try to load the game without the mod if functions properly.


I tried using the default mod instead of the one that I modified and it didn't work. And it wasn't a problem of other files that were included (like menus, meshes or textures), as I tried reinstalling the game in another directory and the same happens.

I don't consider myself an expert, but since the game and all the mods were reinstalled in another location, from their original sources (I.e. nothing was modified), shouldn't the cause of the problem disappear? I know that there are config files in My Documents that may affect this. But even when I erased them, forcing the game to create them new, the crash was still happening.


So, if reinstalling the game and all the mods in a different location doesn't work, what files are created with the game that can explain this? It has to be something in C drive or in the registry files. I see no other explanation. Otherwise, why would the newly installed game suffer from something that I haven't done yet?


Therefore, i beg you for help before I sunk into despair and blow my PC up with gunpowder.



PS: and I can't afford to give up on the mod, as I had all my gear and quest items in the castle, meaning that its worst than starting a new game...

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Hello again,


sorry to bother you, but my sister fixed the problem. It appears that there was nothing wrong with the new installation. The problem was that I used her disc (since she has the GOTY and is easier to install) and I forgot that I didn't had the Fighters Stronghold DLC, without witch the mod could not work, thus causing the crash.

As for the original problem, she went through the files and didn't see anything wrong. She suspects that I may have saved some configuration into the main game file, as the others were replaced by their original counterparts and it didn't solve the problem. Beats me, but she's the programmer. I'm just the cook around here :P

Once again, sorry for the thread. I guess trying to solve problems like this at 5 in the morning is doomed to fail.

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There's your Missing Master, the Fighter's Stronghold plugin required for the Enhanced plugin to work.

As it isn't permitted to 'copy' DLC content but only 'add' to it, the Enhanced plugin definitely was made so it required the original DLC's plugin, which was missing. It could not have been a 'use this instead of the original' situation.


I don't really know what you did while playing around in the CS, but saving an ESP already is enough to screw your load order, no matter whether you changed anything or not, as load order is set by 'last modified' date. If this way you moved a plugin behind another one requiring it, there you created a crash at start-up. If you then went to fix things by reinstalling instead of running BOSS to just 're-order' your mod list, you replaced the one error (whatever it was) by the now-missing Fighter's Stronghold master.


Load order's touchy. Not having it constantly controlled by BOSS and/or Wrye Bash, especially always recompiling the 'bashed patch' every single time something changes, no matter what, is seriously unrecommended.


edit: And don't be sorry for having a problem topic set up along with the solution, so now others getting into similar trouble will be able to find it right away. That's what this place is for and why no topic ever gets deleted. :thumbsup:

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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