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GECK help with adding audio files?


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I've been using this tutorial to create a custom radio station for Fallout 3 [i know it's for NV but I haven't been able to find anything else for FO3]. I've managed to get all the way to step 7 without any errors, but now I'm stuck.




Whenever I click "Add Sound File" it does absolutely nothing. I can't add a file at all.

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ducttapetoiletpaper - Hello!

After clicking on Add Sound you should get a window open where you can browse to your placed sound file.

I remember someone else having a similar problem, pkleiss wrote up a good check list to troubleshoot it here:


The problem there turned out to be the first solution on that list, patching GECK to 1.5.

Many people don't realise GECK has a patch that fixes several bugs:


Direct link:


If not try some of the other suggestions on pkleiss' list, right clicking on GECK & "Run as Administrator" would be my next best guess if patching does not fix it.

Hope this helps!


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ducttapetoiletpaper - Hello!


"but I have noticed I don't have a Sound folder."


That's your problem, I just checked by renaming my Sound folder with a z at the end & GECK would indeed not open up to add a sound just as you described.


Funny, you'd think GECK would just default to the Data folder. :smile:


Make a Sound folder in your data where your Textures & Meshes are.


That's where you need to place custom sounds anyway.


Your custom sounds can be in a uniquely named folder within the Sound folder to help keep them organised.



Edited by prensa
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ducttapetoiletpaper - Hello!


"Huh, that's really weird how I never had a Sound folder"


Vanilla sound assets are packed in the Fallout - Sound.bsa so you won't have a Sound folder unless you had a mod that added sound.


Happens with Meshes & Textures folders too but I never knew GECK would refuse to open like that without the Sound folder.


"but it works now! Thank you, I really appreciate your help."


Glad it's working! All I did was check your hunch. :smile:


I'll remember this in case I ever see anyone else with the problem. :smile:


Happy modding!



Edited by prensa
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I apologize but I actually have one more issue I've just ran into [i was hoping I wouldn't run into any more of these]. Step 8: Set up the topics. I've just added the topic RadioHello to the quest, but then the tutorial becomes a bit vague to me [or I just don't know what he's talking about; I don't create mods]. He added the two topics which were the songs, but when I go to add the topics, the songs I've put in aren't listed in the topics.

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ducttapetoiletpaper - Hello!


"I apologize but I actually have one more issue I've just ran into"


I've never set up a Radio station myself so I'll be very limited use here.


"He added the two topics which were the songs, but when I go to add the topics, the songs I've put in aren't listed in the topics."


From what I can see you need to make sure you've gone to the Radio tab within your Quest & not the Topic tab.


Once in the Radio tab you can create topics by right clicking under Editor ID & Add Topic.


Once created select your Topic & go to the info box, right click - New & a window will pop up.


In that pop up will be a Sound File box with "Select TESSound" where your added tracks should be listed.


As I say, I've not made a Radio Station so I'm not the best to advise on this. :)


There is another Radio guide that may be of use to you in the Nexus Wiki, here:




Hope this helps!



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