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Sherrilyn Kenyons Dark Hunters


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I think some of the charactors from Sherrilyn Kenyons Dark Hunter Novels would be a pretty good addition to Skyrim, Such as a skill tree and powers related to the Dark Hunters them Selves, charactors(Both Followers and enimies) such as Charonte Demons, Were-Hunters(Arcadian, Humans who can take animal form, and Katagaria, animals who can take Human form) Some of the charactors I would like to see(powers wise, i can use the descriptions of their appearences to create the likeness) are Acheron, Styxx, Talon, Stryker, Vane, Wulf, etc... If you want a description of the charactors go to this site, http://www.sherrilynkenyon.com/characters/?sortc=157, this link will take you to just the charactors from the Dark Hunter Novels, She write a lot of series(all of which are good of the ones I have read)

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