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Custom NPCs won't talk


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More specifically, my NPCs won't talk after packing everything up into a .bsa and moving over to my test account. They talk just fine on my main account.


I'm using Archive.exe for making the .bsa. I've checked off all the left-side options, checked Compress Archive, Retain Directory Names, Retain File Names, Retain File Name Offsets, and Recurse Directories. I've moved over the Data/Sound/Voice/[modname].esp folder and checked it off on the list.


What happens is, I enter the mod's store > talk to the NPC > enter dialogue just fine > can select through all dialogue options. The way the dialogue is set up, the NPC is only supposed to talk at the end of a dialogue branch, and does so using SharedInfo dialogue that's stored in the same quest as the dialogue itself.


The script fragments and conditions at the end of the dialogue branches all work fine. I just can't get the NPC to talk (no text or voice) using the SharedInfo on my test account. Is there something else I need to pack in my .bsa?

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