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Request: Minor Tribal Power Armor Changes


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Well as the title suggests; I'd like one of you nice modding folks to make some minor changes (preferably a replacement) to the Tribal Power Armor.


Details: (See Example Image)


  • Replace the Animal Skull on the left shoulder with the right shoulderguard.
  • The Human skull removed from the groin area.
  • Left and right Knee guards fixed.
  • Arm guards fixed
  • Maybe a Lyons' Pride symbol on the shoulder guard itself... :3





Example Image:


-Image source-




The fact that this image exists just proves that this has already been done at some point; I've looked for about 2 hours (and used the search function on the forums and main nexus website) and i've not found it anywhere. If it has been released could someone throw me a link to the files? :3



Many Thanks

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Yeah, I want armor like that too. Basically a slight remesh of the tribal armor.



I would prefer to have it as a new armor, though. Not as a replacer. That way I can have followers wear generic tribal armor, while I (the leader) wear a more unique version for myself.

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Yeah, I want armor like that too. Basically a slight remesh of the tribal armor.

Doesn't require a re-mesh at all. The Tribal power armour texture is exactly the same as the normal power armour texture layoutwise (the extra bits have their one texture files). You just make a Texture set using the Tribal power armour texture and apply it on the ordinary power armour mesh.

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If it was implemented would it need to replace the current Tribal armour and/or Ashur's armour or is it to be a seperate armour?



To be honest now that i think about it; it might be better as separate armor but i'm not completely sure to be honest.



All i can say is do whatever works best for you, if you choose to make it ofc... =]

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