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Broken Pip-Boy Radio


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So a while ago I installed the GNR Extended mod and put in a bunch of my songs and stuff, and then when I used the mod in-game, it made my songs sound as if the radio was lagging really bad. So I ended up disabling the mod. However, upon doing so, this may have permanently damaged my pip-boy radio! Here's whats wrong with it. I can still hear 3-Dawg on the radio talking about his usual nonsense and whatnot, but then he says "and now it's time for some music," which triggers a very long period of radio silence, until he comes back on to talk about nonsense again. But I don't think the radio is messed up, in fact, I think it's specifically the pip-boy. If I go into my house and turn on the Jukebox, I can hear the music playing. Do I... have to reinstall Fallout?


And if I do, is there a way I can do it without having to re-install all of the mods and game saves and this and that.

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When you disabled the mod, did you delete anything?


As far as I know, the radio stations need .wav AND .mp3 files to play correctly. I think one is used for your pip-boy, and one for world radios, though I'm not really sure which. It kind of sounds like you might have deleted the music files though, or overwritten them maybe? And now that you disabled it, it can't find the originals....just a guesstimate.

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