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More bows mod


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One of the Mods of my IC project is just what you outline, though the effort is to make both better bows, but also many more very weak and un-reliable ones.


They will all be craftable, starting with elements that can be found in the wilde, but only for very limited bows.


Anyone who has read accounts of medeval archery understand the effect that wet weather played on the technology available. Keeping your bow string dry was every bit as important as keeping later eras gunpowder dry.


The cat cut strings would quickly stretch if wet, and become useless until thoroughly dried. If the bow was strung when the string got wet, you'd be lucky to un-string the bow fast enough to save the string.


Blocking an edged weapon strike with a bow stave would likely place gouges into the limbs rendering the bow more likely than not to split on the next draw.


For game balance, if bows are given more variety, options and power, there would need to be balancing limitations on them.


In the Game "Thief" the more powerful the bow, the faster it would burn the endurance of the weilder when held drawn. After a few seconds of hold back, the aim would begin to uncontrolably wobble and eventually relax.


I have plans for a type of Soul Gem fragment headed arrow which can be "OverCharged". On impact, it explodes in a mix of fire, arcs, and force. But if you OverCharge the gem a tad too much, it explodes in your face, destroying the bow, and blasting the archer.


Experience, Perks and skill would allow the user to more accurately predict the strain points, but such work would ever be dangerous.


And then it takes a special kind of Magicka, Manna, to load the gems, which can only be gained though special Land-Bonds, Power Points, or Bonds with Vassal Mages.


In short, I'm working on such a mod, but it will be months for completion.



Edited by VanKrill
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