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True Dragon Riding


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Not talking about the mod Command Dragon, by the way.


As we're all well aware, the vanilla dragon riding sucks, and Command Dragon is a good start to fixing it, but is buggy and not exactly what we're looking for.


Modding the riding to be similar to horseback is what I'm suggesting. We don't have to make any new animations (though having a custom riding position for dragon flight would be awesome), and obviously we don't have to make the dragon turn in a dime, but being able to control dragons like we do horseback is the idea I'm going after.


The R button would be for taking flight and landing. Obviously, E would be for dismounting. In fact, rongphale did a pretty awesome job in concern to the hot keys so most of those hot keys would be fine. Although, using the mouse for breath (two breaths, one for each, and a specialized favorites menu to choose between shouts) would be a cool idea, and the original keys could be used for landing on buildings and swooping in and carrying things off.


In terms of the shout, I like the idea of being able to talk to the dragon to release them from your service instead of flying off the second you dismount. This would be very useful in combat situations with a dragon fighting with you, but the dragonborn has to take care not to get caught in the crossfire and get accidentally toasted because he was too close to an opponent. Just like a horse, you can have only one in your service until they die, but unlike a horse they follow you everywhere outdoors whether you are travelling by horse or foot or not, either landing on a building or circling overhead


(Besides, having a dragon perching on one of the major Hold's buildings while you do your shopping would be awesome.)


controlling altitude is easy in theory (to someone who has no idea how to mod). Just like swimming you can control your altitude with the angle your camera is at, but this also has the drawback of having the camera fixed in combat mode. However, when you are hovering (simply releasing the keys while you are in flight) or on the ground, there will be freedom of movement (though just like the shouts, you will attack in the direction the camera is facing automatically).


And if doable, we could have a hotkey that restores vanilla flight, though I doubt many of us would even want that.


So guys, is this doable? Any suggestions would be welcome as well!

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