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1. I tried installing SkyUI and it said something needs updating so I removed it because I don't have good internet to do any updating! Since then my compass (only) disappeared! When I use a shout the bar lights up as usual but that's it! I need my compass because I use it to find spaces I haven't explored so if anyone can help me fix it, I'm not a big fan of immersive, I'll be eternally grateful!


2. I need help installing the Fantasy Soundtrack file manually! Step by step please!



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1. Go into Documents -> My Games -> Skyrim and open your Skyrimprefs.ini file with Notepad and search for the line "bShowCompass" under [interface], set it to 1 to enable it.


The thing that SkyUI tells you to update is most likely SKSE.

2. Open the archive you downloaded. You can drag the whole "data" folder from the archive to your Main Skyrim folder, it will ask you if you want to merge folders, you will say Yes.
Then enter in the "esp" folder from the archive, depending on which you want to install, replacer or non-replacer, grab the "FantasySoundtrackProject.esp" from inside one of those options and copy it inside the Data folder of your Skyrim. Note: copy the file of your choosing from those folders, not the folder itself.
Assuming you don't have a mod manager, since you asked to install manually, open your Skyrim Launcher -> Data FIles and check the plugin for the mod to enable it.
Edited by eSoDian
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I'm back! But this time it isn't for help but rather proper installation instructions!


I would like to intall SKSE, SkyUI, Configuration menu mod, and Imersive armor manually from Step 1!


Almost finish with my 2nd playthrough and I'm aiming for a more unique experience. Also, I do not have any of the DLCs. Just Skyrim!



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Should be simple. I'll assume you already downloaded those mods.


For SKSE, download the 1.6.16 version, since 1.7.0 is still alpha. I suggest downloading the installer version, in case you're not comfortable with installing manually. This way you're sure it's going to be installed correctly, cause it defaults to your Skyrim directory when you open the installer.


SkyUI and the configuration mod are one and the same (version 4.1 - latest). Open the SkyUI archive and grab the SkyUI.bsa and SkyUI.esp and put them inside your Data folder. Like in the previous post, open your Skyrim Launcher and enable the mod.


For Immersive Armors, I don't have the archive anymore, but just grab the Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.bsa/esp and Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp/bsa and drag them into your data folder, then enable them in the Launcher.



Remember for SkyUI to work and to be able to configure Immersive Armors, you must run the game from skse_loader.exe from now on.


In case Immersive Armors doesn't show in Mod Configuration, either do a save and load, or just wait for a bit (not the Wait option) for the mod to startup and configure itself before you can use it.

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Have you launched the game through skse_loader.exe? Though neither SKSE, nor SkyUI should hide your compass on their own. If you have iHud (Immersive Hud) installed as well, that's the one that hides your compass, you can re-enable it again in game by tapping "X".

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