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Warchief DragonBorn


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The reproductive biology of orcs is at present not well understood [...] Certainly, there have been cases of intercourse between these "races," generally in the nature of rape or magickal seduction, but there have been no documented cases of pregnancy. Still the interfertility of these creatures and the civilized hominids has yet to be empirically established or refuted, likely due to the deep cultural differences. Surely any normal Bosmer or Breton impregnated by an orc would keep that shame to herself, and there's no reason to suppose that an orc maiden impregnated by a human would not be likewise ostracized by her society.

From "Racial Phylogeny". The Chief gets to mate with every female in the Stronghold. So, one reason non-orcs might not be able to join.


Anyways, you could just skip this whole mating part. It wouldn't be very lore friendly though.

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Well I can see issue with it. However, as Stated prior. Part of the quests would be to get Malacaths blessing and once again who is going to argue with their own God? I see your point though. So maybe put the whole mating issue on the side for the time being and work on the other part that the quote mentions. Being shunned by society.

Okay so these orcs of course would be friendly with other orcs in the area. So whats to stop the male orcs of your new tribe, along with some of their friends from the outside from occrastrating the following? :

-Assasination attempts on you

- Ambushs when you are out hunting (perhaps for the tribute to Malacath?)

- Locking you in a dwemer ruin.

- Drugging you (Im kind of a stickler for that)

- Or have you break orcish law


So you are removed as chief? Maybe as a final test your to fight Malacaths Champion (or maybe another Daedric lords) and defeat them. Then you will have proved yourself a true War Chief.

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So I am not saying that it would be easy to become a war chief anyways(even if you are an orc) as there would be some that clearly would think your not suitable to lead.

Hell! What does Nord legend mean to an orc anyways?

Thats why I would say that the last quest would be getting Malacaths blessing or saving the stronghold from an invasion. The point is that you have to prove yourself as a true leader for this tribe.

Maybe you can even challenge other orc leaders to a fist fight to prove your strenght.

Either way, Id say something along the lines of a few quests where you work up their confidence in you as a leader and then your exiled for breaking orcish law(or maybe not even that), then you return to save them from invasion.

What do you guys think?

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