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Mehrunes Dagon Custom Effect issue


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i want to make a bow and a spell with the instant kill chance of mehrunes razor.

so i add it like any other magic effect. but it shows up in game as poison damage. :wallbash:

is there a script that goes with it? does it have to be set at a certain magnitude?

how do i get the effect to work?



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Well the "Mehrunes Dagon Custom Effect' that your topic is using as a title has nothing to do with Mehrunes Razor. That is actually part of Mehrunes Dagon, the big ol' Daedric Prince that the game's main quest features. The enchantment you are looking for is attached to Mehrunes Razor itself. There are three different enchantments as Mehrunes Razor is a leveled item, but the only thing that changes is the strength of the Disintegrate Armor Spell, which is not required.


The enchantment effect part you are looking for is called Daedric Banishing. It's a script effect that basically tells Mehrunes Razor when to 'banish' someone. So you could tweak it to be a 100% chance if you have the scripting abilities.


Here's a script dump for you.



scn MehrunesRazorSCRIPT


short RandomChance ; Prep our Dice roll

float LuckMod ; High-Luck PC's do better


begin ScriptEffectStart

if isEssential == 0 ;Don't waste time on essential characters or the PC

if GetInFaction OblivionCreatures == 0 ; protects Mehrunes Dagon and other such enemies


set RandomChance to getRandomPercent

set LuckMod to player.getAV Luck ; Luck Chance

set LuckMod to LuckMod * 0.05

if LuckMod < 1 ; In case the PC is really un-lucky

set LuckMod to 1



if LuckMod > 10

set LuckMod to 10 ; Never greater than 10% chance allowed




;Message "Rolled %.0f against %.0f percent Chance",RandomChance,LuckMod,1


if RandomChance <= LuckMod ; Check against dice roll

kill player ; Make 'em deader

set DL9MehrunesQuest.DL9SoulTotal to DL9MehrunesQuest.DL9SoulTotal + 1 ; Kills ++


if DL9MehrunesQuest.DL9SoulTotal <= 1

Message "Through the Razor, Mehrunes Dagon claims this soul!" ; Unique Message for Kill #1


message "Dagon claims this soul! %.0f souls claimed.",DL9MehrunesQuest.DL9SoulTotal,1 ; Ominous Text of doom




endif ; Commented w/Daily Check lines






Thats the entirety of the Mehrunes Razor's effect. Basically it takes the player's Luck, multiplies it by .05 (If the outcome is less than 1 it sets it at one, if it is more then 10 it sets it at 10). It calls that 'LuckMod'. Then every time you attack, it does a random roll and if the roll is less then or equal to 'LuckMod' it kills the enemy it hit. It won't work on daedric creatures or essential characters though.

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So if i remove this line "if GetInFaction OblivionCreatures == 0" or set it to 1 it will work on anything?

i want to make a medium power fireball spell and a bow with the same effect as the razor. and i don't want a 100% chance.


And BTW thanks for the explanation. i just started experimenting with basic scripts and though appling premade scripts would be easy. but this is a lot more complicated that a simple teleport or force push spell.


well now that i have a better idea what to do i'll go mess around with it a little more and see if i can get it to work.



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Yeah you can can remove that line, but instead of removing it change it to:


if GetIsID CreatureMehrunesDagon == 0


if you use that then all the daedra can be affected except Mehrunes Dagon so it won't obliterate the end of the main quest's point and functionality with its PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER!!!


srry I saw that on a mod and its been stuck in my head

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u just need to do a bit of cleaning up. I'm going to do it for you and show you it here, but I'll point out all the things that will be different. I apologize in advance if I explain things you already know, but this is a tutorial so I have to act like I'm writing it for someone who has never opened the CS before now.


First things first you need to open the quest menu. From the top menus select Character->Quests.


Then in the menu that shows up there should be a long list of quests. right click there and select create new. In the box that comes up type "ZAKillCount" (no quotes). Technically you can name it whatever you want, but the rest of my examples will use ZAKillCount and it won't conflict with anything.


Click OK and the window should update with your quest being selected. Note that it doesn't have a name. Name it whatever you want because you won't ever see it. For the Priority type 90. Also be sure to check the Start Game Enabled box. Then click on the little box next to where it says "Script NONE" (The box you click has 3 periods so it looks like [...]).


This opens up a script menu. Go to Script->New. then type (Or copy paste I suppose) this in:


scn ZAKillCountScript

short ZAKills


Then click the Script Type box and select Quest. Then you can click the disc to save and close the window. You need to close the quest window as well so it can update.


Reopen the Quest Menu and find ZAKillCount on the left side. It should be at or near the bottom. Click it to open your quest, then click the Menu next to Script (This time the part that says "NONE") and scroll down until you find ZAKillCountScript.


If it isn't there then you either forgot to change the script type from Object to Quest, didn't save it, or didn't close and reopen the quest menu. People often get mixed up here but if you have been paying attention it should be there. Select it, then click OK at the bottom right corner of the window.


Ok time for a quick lesson on what we just did. Remember in the original script all the times it mentions "DL9MehrunesQuest.DL9SoulTotal"? Basically we made a dummy version of that. What it did was keep track of the "Instant Kills" More on that later.


Ok, time to actually edit the script so it suits what we just changed. I'm going to tell you something very important in the next line so I'm caps locking it:




Ok, so you go to the object window, click the [+] by Magic to open up its submenu, then click Enchantment. In the list of enchantments that shows up right click and select Create New. The Enchantment window should appear. For the Editor ID type in "ZAKillEnchant". You want the enchantment type to be a Weapon, so change it to weapon if it is not.


It is also a good idea to uncheck the Auto-Calculate box. set both the Charge Amount and the Enchantment Cost to 0. Then in the Effects section right click and select New.


In the menu that shows up change the Effect to Script Effect. Keep the Range as Touch and the Area to 0, however, change the Duration to 1. This ensures that everything runs. Then click the [...] next to Script to open yet another script menu. This one is easy though, just change the Script Type to Magic Effect and copy paste the stuff below.



scn ZAKillScript

short RandomChance	; Prep our Dice roll
float LuckMod	; High-Luck PC's do better

begin ScriptEffectStart
if isEssential == 0	;Don't waste time on essential characters or the PC
if GetIsID CreatureMehrunesDagon == 0	; protects Mehrunes Dagon and other such enemies

set RandomChance to getRandomPercent	
set LuckMod to player.getAV Luck; Luck Chance
set LuckMod to LuckMod * 0.05
if LuckMod < 1	; In case the PC is really un-lucky
set LuckMod to 1	

if LuckMod > 10
set LuckMod to 10	; Never greater than 10% chance allowed	

;Message "Rolled %.0f against %.0f percent Chance",RandomChance,LuckMod,1

if RandomChance <= LuckMod	; Check against dice roll
kill	 player	; Make 'em deader
set ZAKillCount.ZAKills to ZAKillCount.ZAKills + 1	; Kills ++ 

if ZAKillCount.ZAKills <= 1
Message "Through the Razor, Mehrunes Dagon claims this soul!"	; Unique Message for Kill #1
message "Dagon claims this soul! %.0f souls claimed.",ZAKillCount.ZAKills,1; Ominous Text of doom
endif	; Commented w/Daily Check lines


Learning Time Again. The things I did in the script were:

Changed the Script Name to ZAKillScript, if you kept the original name it would have conflicted with the Mehrunes Razor Mod

Changed the GetInFaction Daedra that we talked about earlier to "GetIsID CreatureMehrunesDagon == 0". We already discussed why we do that.

Changed anything referencing the old quest from Mehrunes Razor to the new quest that you made. Now it should save correctly.


There is one thing you have to do in the script. towards the bottom it says "Through the Razor, Mehrunes Dagon claims this soul!" You need to change Razor to whatever you are using for a weapon (i.e. for a bow use "Through the Bow, Mehrunes Dagon Claims this soul!") Otherwise if you upload it people will be asking what Razor its talking about.


Ok. Double check to make sure the Script Type is Magic Effect and that you changed the part I just told you about, then save it and close the scripting window. Then close the Effect Item window, which should bring you back to the Enchantment Window. Right click again (It gets redundant, doesn't it?) and click New.


Change the Effect to Script, then make it touch, Area of 0, Duration of 1, just like before. This time click on NONE in the Script area and find ZAKillScript, which is the name of the spell script. If its not there you either named it something else, didn't change the Script Type to Magic Effect, didn't save it, or didn't close and reopen the Item Effect Window.


Once you find it, You get to choose a name for the Effect. Seeing how this is a pretty awesome weapon it needs an awesome name. Something cool, something zazzy, Most importantly, something that looks good. (It's case sensitive, and can make a mod look childish when the really cool weapon has an effect that looks like "new SCRIPT Efect". And yes I have seen things like that before and it looks pathetic)


Choose a school for the effect to be, it doesn't really matter what you choose, so pick anything. Destruction or Mysticism make the most sense though. Also, choose a visual effect if you want one. Fire Damage would look pretty cool, or Shock Damage in my opinion. Then make sure the Effect is Hostile box is checked (Wouldn't want people to be okay with you banishing their soul to oblivion would we?) and click OK.


Ok, you are done with the enchantment, time to put it on your weapon. I'm assuming you know how to add a weapon and that you already made one, so we'll skip that part. If you haven't, check out the CS wiki page on weapons to see what everything does. (CS Wiki - Weapon)


Open up the weapon you want to put the enchantment on and simply find the enchantment "ZAKillEnchant" in the drop down list next to Enchanting. Then put the Enchantment at 999 to ensure that it works. (It should never run out because the Enchantment's cost is 0). Select Ok and you are done. The only things left to do are put the Weapon either directly in the character's inventory, in a vendor chest, or somewhere in the Game for him to find. I'm not going to go over that as just typing this took about an hour and a half and you seem experienced enough to know that already. If not then check out the CS Wiki they can teach you that.


Cheers, and happy modding.

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Holy S**t.

Thanks for taking the time to do this.

i wish i could give you like 100 kudos.

i hapen to have the razor dungeon installed

but i wanted this to work for people who dont.

i plan to make a few weapons with this effect.


again :thanks:

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