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I took that line from fallout.ini , I figured that since oblivion and fallout 3 use similar engines, it should work. THis line allows the engine to use threaded AI (hence the name), didn't really notice any thing strange, but I think it might have been smoother but it could've been placebo. Try it out, see if it works, but use at your own risk.
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as i said, it makes it so that artificial intelligence use threads, thus making things faster. I copied this line from fallout.ini which uses an upgraded version of the oblivion engine. I added it in to see if there would be performance changes, I posted it here so that people can try it out to see if this works for real or just another bogus
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This has to do with tweaking some of the features in the game. To make it (possibly) run better.

For a more thorough explanation, as well as a how to guide go here. http://www.tweakguides.com/

Then look on the Quick Links on the left for the particular game you want to tweak.


But be prepared to do a LOT of reading before starting on tweaking. Making these kind of changes without understanding what you are doing can make your game unplayable.

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ugh the "smoother performance" was placebo. FRAPS made me cry. But I added it in any ways cus nothing's happened so far, good or bad.

Well, threaded AI wouldn't do anything to FPS, and FRAPS alone would likely undo any improvement on that end.


Threaded AI, if it works, would likely only help in those cases where you have NPCs which are experiencing behavior lag. This doesn't happen much in the vanilla game, but can happen quite often if you have a modded area, like a city, with more than 8-10 NPCs in an area, and load the area while they are all processing packages. Threaded AI "should" help alleviate this "lag" somewhat, provided that the engine is even designed to work with threading in this build.

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