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Mass Effect help...


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I have downloaded Mass Effect off of Direct 2 Drive and it all seemed to be working. It asked me if i wanted to set up the game and install, i said yes, ran the setup process and it all worked. But when i click on play, it waits for a bit, and then says that Mass Effect has stopped working. Then it says on my toolbar, that i should istall the latest version. But i cannot find any patches, all the pages say they couldnt find the page i was looking for.



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I have downloaded Mass Effect off of Direct 2 Drive and it all seemed to be working. It asked me if i wanted to set up the game and install, i said yes, ran the setup process and it all worked. But when i click on play, it waits for a bit, and then says that Mass Effect has stopped working. Then it says on my toolbar, that i should istall the latest version. But i cannot find any patches, all the pages say they couldnt find the page i was looking for.




Your best bet is the official Bioware support forums for Mass Effect.



If your copy is legitimate, you should have no problem registering there and getting your problems fixed quickly.


After a quick googling session, running the game in administrator mode might work.

Try it.

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It is legitimate. Its from direct2drive, wich is like Steam, but costs more, causei didn't know Steam existed.


Yeah thanks ill gie it a go.

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Just a word of advice, D2D customer service is really bad. I have problems when i wanted to play the uncensored version of Indegy Prophesy with the sound and there was no solution, and that was after back and fourth useless customer service complaints that lasted about 2 weeks.


good luck with your problem.

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I fixed it, I basically use a laptop, with Windows Vista. So when i double clicked on the Mass Effect Launcher, it didn't work, but if i right click and select "run as administrator", then it works perfectly.


And yeah the customer service is crap.

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