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more challenges


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I originally posted this in the mod talk section but i dont think it belongs there honestly.


Anyways. I'm thinking of making a mod of well obiously more challenges and maybe building on the existing ones. I just want to get some ideas from fellow wastelanders. What kind of challenges do you think you need to overcome?

Edited by xkillswitch88x
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Well I don't know about other players, but I usually focus on challenges once I'm almost done with the game. And that makes it EXTREMELY difficult to be the completionist that I am. Cant really cripple ceasar's head and NOT kill him when I'm a level 50, (so that I can kill him with the knife I need to). Can't kill president Kimbal when I already saved him. Can't kill a bunch of named legionaries when 90% of them are already dead...


So make more challenges that aren't just one time things!


Hunter challenges for creatures in the game (maybe all the legendary creatures too?)

Killing challenges (for characters that wouldn't already be dead in the main quest series!)


just a few ideas

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That is actually what I want to do and why I want to as well. There are only so many quest mods that are fully complete and I feel challenges could keep going and giving the game even more playability. That's why I want to get more ideas from fellow wastelanders.


Right now I'm just writing ideas and matching them up with the in-game challenges (including dlc). I want to add a lot of hunting challenges since everyone does a lot of that in the game (obviously). Plus add perks and maybe even change some leveling perks to challenge perks (like Perks for Challenges).


I also haven't done a full play through with all the dlc (currently doing that). So when I get that done i will also have a better idea on what I think is missing.

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