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Never ending war


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Hello guys, well I have a mod which summons me an army, but now, even with adrenaline oblivion, I have no force in cyrodiil that will compete with my grand army :biggrin: . Okay so what im asking is, is there a mod that has never-ending waves of enemies spawn at you? or at least a llot of enemies that have a breif pause before attacking again? :thanks:
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Yeah, my army started attacking each other after one hit the other by mistake while going after a bear or something. And they just kept fighting and fighting and fighting. They wouldn't stop.

I bet they're still fighting as I'm typing this.

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A mod like this could be done fairly easily, the only problem is your game is gonna crash pretty fast, or at the very least become ultra laggy. Too much happening at once. Plus all the bodies is gonna bloat your savegame to **** and back until the cell that it takes place in resets.
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