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Advice on modding Lakeview Manor


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I usually mod my own things in skyrim but ran into a bit of a problem with modding Lakeview Manor in the Hearthfire DLC. All I am attempting to do is change the anvil outside (next to the carpenter's bench) into a full fledge forge. For some reason, I am finding this simple task more difficult then I anticipated. I can get the graphic to load and I can place it, but in game it usually isn't there, or it doesn't work. I also suffer crashes so I figured I am doing something wrong.


I have searched for a mod that already does this, but it seems no one has been bugged by not having a full blacksmith forge outside and I cannot fathom putting one in the basement (where would all that heat go? eh... I just want to smith outside). If someone can provide some pointers on how to change the anvil to a forge, I'd greatly appreciate it!

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