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crime rp


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first of all this is my first rp so i may need a little help. now that that's out of the way...


in this RP you can play as any kind of criminal you want. some of you might treat crime like a busness (like the godfather) and some of you might play like the joker from the dark knight. (god help us if you do :biggrin: ) if you havn't figured it out yet this takes place in new york.


the rules are simple:


1. keep it clean! we may be criminals but that dosn't meen you need to swear


2. if you need to speak out of character put 'OOC' in front of your post.


3. try to keep it real. no cyborgs that will try to enslave the human race or monsters that will destroy the whole city. wildfire and shade are the only inhuman characters in the game. (more on that in a bit)


4. death. the life of a criminal in dangerous. if you die you will respawn back at your safehouse (more on that in a bit)


5. police. just like grand thieft auto the more trouble you cause the more people will try to stop you.


6. safehouses. each of you will have a safehouse/home. the police will NOT follow you in there hence the name SAFEhouse. the safehouses and shade's club are netural zones. NO FIGHTING IN THERE!


7. wildfire and shade. i play as wildfire and shade. the best way to think of them is as NPCs. they are both very powerful. they also are both Mercenaries and, if found, can be hired. but be careful, the police can also hire them. also shade is well known in the underworld and can pull string for you. if you need cars, guns, a get out of jail free card or anything else just ask...assuming you've found her.


8. starting points. you start the game from 'the succubus' (shade's club. again more on that in a bit)


9. the succubus. shade owns a nightclub called 'the succubus'. one thing you will notice is a heavy metal door to the back rooms. to get to the back rooms you will need to convince her to let you through. it might take some work but trust me, it will be worth it. you might find out something if you ask wildfire about her past. but be carful, they are in love and some things shouldn't be talked about.


10. teamwork. you ccan choose to work togther of you can go alone.


11. random events. to keep thing going i may add random events like....well you'll see :whistling:


12. goals. there are none! if you want to rob a bank go ahead. assassnation is ok as well. mugging, kidnappping, armed robbery ECT is fair game.


go crazy! and god help us all :biggrin:

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at shade's club 'the succubus'


music's playing, some people are dancing, some are talking. everyone's having a good time. you all notice a red haired man at the table in the corner. when you look at him your blood runs cold.


OOC go crazy people! also the song currently playing is paralyzer. you can hear it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtRylc98byI

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Name: Roger Melbourne AKA Melbourne

Age: 25

Apearence: 6ft 1, very muscular. wears a basketball top and some black trackies with gold chains and a ganja leaf meddalion

Weapons: M1191 pistol, mini-uzi and a m4 carbine

Vehicles: aston martin DB9, a crosser and a jeep. also has a helicopter

Crib: large pimped crib, with a club right next to it. it contains: 3 bathrooms, 5 bedrooms, 2 lounge areas, 1 basketball court, a gym, a large garden with swimming pool and hot tub, 2 garages, 3 stripper poles and a bar for him and his mates and a kitchen


Criminal counts:


567 counts of murder

809 counts of mugging

28 counts of robbing a bank

456 counts of burglary

298 counts of drug trafficking

672 counts of drug dealing


Personality: hes pretty much mental, his parents died right in front of him by being shot and had got into alot of fights when he was young. he has had a very succesful life so far, hes only 25 and hes a billionaire, he doesnt take drugs, he just sells them for money. Hes been arrested plenty of times, about 5 times. hes escaped 3 times, and was broken out by his brother who is part of his gang. He likes to go out and have a drink most of the time but he most of the time gets into fights with people in the clubs. he has a small gang, him, his brother and 3 mates heas known for a while. he lives with all these im his crib and also his girlfriend. once when he was robbing a bank he nearly got killed by a police car explosion. which was caused by gunfire.

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Reflex stood lightly on a roof somewhere, a new client had promised to meet him at a not-yet-revealed location, supposedly the location would be delivered to him somehow.

Soon he would return to his safe house, but the night was young, and he gazed at the moon.

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i look at the night sky and think to myself *hmmmm im getting bored* so i then go to ask my bother i he would like to go out clubbing and cause trouble.


5 mins later: we arrived at the club and go straight to the bar and get some vodkas. the music playing loud, everyone getting drunk. a very tall man who stood about 6ft 6, bump in to me. as i nearly fall over i start to feel angry and swing a punch at the man in the stomach, so he pushes me into a table and 5 more men come at me with their fists ready to take me on. but, this isnt normal people dont act like this usually to me. but as they come 1 throws a punch, i dodge and throw 1 back straight into his face. i then pull out a knife that i was saving just in case. i stab one in the stomach as he then falls to the ground i hear police sirens. i then make a run for it. as i see a cop running after me i turn into a dark alley and pull out my handgun as soon as i saw the man head, BANG!! the falls to the floor, i then call my mates to pick me up. as soon as they arrive police car comes speedng round the corner, i was firing my pistol at the man drivng the car, with no luck i shoot a tire of the car and it spins out of control and smashes into a man house, the cop went through the window of the house landing on the table in front of the man.....

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the brawl continues for a little while before more police get there. they start asking questions untill a young woman comes out of the club. the second the police see her they drop their notebooks, get in their cars and drive away. she picks up the notebooks and lights them on fire. "....why am i never around to join in the fights".........
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Brie followed closely from that lonely and dark corner what had happened, and thought of what could happen. Was it better for her to join that massacre or not? She then pulled out her knife, and started to look at it, and tampered with it for a while, until she put it back into her pocket. She disliked that woman that put fire on those notebooks. She didn't really like the "socialites", but it was just their lifestyle. People are different. Some are easier to kill, some are harder to kill...
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Name: calliton surewater

Age: 20

Apearence: 6ft 1, wears lose clothes to conceal more knives than any one man should ever carry (around 30 or 40 at a time. yes this is realistic) he also carries around a staff that has a concealed sword in one end

Weapons: he carries around a staff that has a concealed sword in one end, his fists, or anything he can get his hands on

Vehicles: anything he can hotwire

home: a medium sized apartment, stocked with knives, guns, and martial artist weapons

Criminal counts: unknown


Personality: a warrior. that is his mentality. he dresses, walks, sits, and eats to be ready to fight. Though he is a warrior, he is still social and is the life of a party, even though he dislikes goign to most parties. His intimate knowledge of where he hits is so good, that he has never yet been caught. he is somewhat bipolar and spontaneus. he has no family, and he turned to crime about two years ago after his girlfriend died. he is a black belt in several martial arts, including tae kwon do, brazilian jujitsu, and pensat silat. he often follows random people from the rooftops, watching where they go. he will not harm women, children, or innocent people

(sorry for the edit, but i just read the previouse posts more thoroughly)


Calliton stopped as he heard sirens. he waited a second and realized they were headed his way. "the bar will have to wait..." he quickly ducked behind a dumpster, just as three police cars drove by. "I hope they arent looking for me..." He quickly climbed up to the rooftop of the closest building. He turned around to look where he was and jumped as he saw another guy standing up here. He quickly brought his staff tot he ready, to fight the stranger if need be...

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Reflex moved his head slightly to look at the man, the man readied his weapon, a staff.


Reflex turned his head back to the moon, seemingly paying the man no notice.

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Brie was bored of all that pub fighting. "Just some crazy ape-alcoholics here," she thought. Brie went outside to get some fresh air and to do something else. But she didn't know WHAT. She just walked somewhere, until she found two guys fighting. She hid herself behind a car, and watched them fighting, if they would fight, now that one man acted a big ignorant and not in the "attacking position". She pulled out her knife, just in case some of them would see her and start attacking her.

"Oh my goodness, what am I doing?" she thought.

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