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*** note! Sorry guys for my "inactiveness". Internet shut down here in Turkey, so I wasn't able to be tuned.***



Brie was still angry for what that guy who threw the knife on her. She wanted to know who he was. Just basic facts, nothing personal like friendships. Brie was the kind of person who tried not being friends with anyone, because then her "friends" would ask her for something what she wouldn't like to do, and then she gets a new enemy, and then assassin's will be sent to murder her, and the same whole story, which she wanted to avoid.

But enough about those worries. Brie wanted to be a bit "british" today. She went to "Lord Wilson's tea and coffee", and ordered tea, two cups of tea. If the one who was supposed to come wasn't a fool, then that person would come, and start drinking that tea. There wasn't any poison in that tea of course, she did not intend to kill her guest.

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NAME (or rather alias, no one knows his real name): Zephyr/Zeph

APPEARANCE: 6' 2" with slightly curly dark brown hair, tan, has a strange scar on the back of his right hand that resembles a "Z" (hence the name, well somewhat) piercing blue eyes that resemble pale saphires

CLOTHING/ARMOR: Black Republican suit made of carbon microfibers, [effectively making it bullet proof although more than 50 rounds in the same general area (say from a machine gun) and it definitely wouldn't hold up] with a blue flower pinned to his right lapel. On his right hand a single ring was on his third finger, the band was platinum, with a black stone and a silver insignia on it which featured a Z with a few flurishes around it that transformed into bullet strands, the design was rather subtle unless inspected carefully. A black straw-boater hat (also made of carbon microfibers).

WEAPONS: A personally designed thompson look-a-like sub-machine gun, .44 caliber magnum, and a 6-inch knife.

VEHICLE: restored 1933 cadilac fleetwood limo with 9-inch titanium plate and 5-inch tempered glass windows (including windshield) with a few surprises

SAFEHOUSE: a bar near the business district, there's a hidden trap-door in the winecellar that leads to a sizable living quarters and base of operations




Many, many, counts of murder, conspiracy to murder, bank robbery, weapons dealing, and some drug trafficking, all charges were either cleared or the trials never occured, has never been incarcerated for longer than 6 days and that was to await a trial. Zeph is a big-time weapons dealer with many connections in that realm as well as with the military (curropt officers are healthy suppliers for his business)


Zeph stepped into the succubus flanked on either side by two brawny men just slightly shorter than he, both carrying FMG9 foldable submachine guns and wearing similar suits to Zeph's, minus the flower and hat, both had identical rings to Zeph's. "Enjoy yourselves, we won't have any trouble in this place, consider this payed downtime boys." Zeph said to his body guards then walked over to the bar and ordered a whiskey, noticed the heavy door to the backroom and asked shade, "So, miss, what's beyond that door over there? It looks like something from one of the banks I've robbed."

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"who knows? maybe you'll find out someday, maybe never" shade said as she poured a shot of whiskey. "it could be paradise or it could be hell."
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"Hmmm, and what does one have to do to find out miss...?" Zephyr replied


off: (ment to be two questions, 1: what must be done and 2: what shade's name is, let's assume Zeph doesn't know it)

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"please, call me shade. and there are a lot of ways back there...you just need to find them. but" she held up a shuriken. "the last guy that tried to force his way in got 250 of these in the face."


OOC bribes, proving your not some common criminal, doing jobs for her ETC. those are SOME ways you MIGHT get into the back rooms. maybe you'll find an easyer way...

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"Well, I guess he didn't bring much to the table then did he for you to rip him into so many shreds. What about a weapons shipment, I can't get you anything you want, and I mean anything. Of course if you would like money, that's easily done too, this town's police are about as vigilant as the drunks they stumble into on the streets. We've hit 5 banks in the last month and that's just this little section of our...operation." Zeph says bragadoiciously [sp?]
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shade was about to replay when the door opened. she swung her arms down and 10 shuriken droped in between her fingers of both hands. she then flung her arms forward. 20 shuriken went flying past the heads of the men at the bar. turning around they saw a man lieing in a expanding pool of blood. five shuriken in each eye and ten in the heart. "whad did you do that for!!" calliton yelled. shade said nothing but walked over to the corpse. "see this tattoo? he's a member of that terrorist group that attacked you. i didn't even need to see it. i could smell the blood on his hands. i'll be right back." she dragged the body outside and threw it in a dumpster. when she was done she came back to the bar. "now, where were we?"
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"I knew I picked a good place to have a drink tonight" Zeph said with a smile, "As I was saying, my outfit and I have connections, in many places, high and low, and I would like to see what's behind door number mystery. So, what will it take? Money? Though I'm sure you have no problems with that. Weapons? Someone taken out? I am a very curious man, and I, like the cat will die trying to satisfy that curiousity, name a task and I'll complete it...personally." Zeph said soberly.
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" I'm very curious also. curious about your connections. see, i have most if not all the police in my pocked as well as lawyers and judges as well as men all over the world. what could you possable have that i couldn't get?"
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