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Zeph raised an eyebrow, "You know anyone who can get a hold of an entire division of Abrams tanks? I thought not, that's what I can get you,any firearm, military or civilian, any vehicle, legal or otherwise, anything that's mechanized I can get it, I'm not some common drug dealer I'm a multi-billionare and one with the military connections to get even the most top secret experimental weapons, or even...biological ones."
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Zeph puts his briefcase on the counter, "pardon me for a second," then opens it and pulls out his custom 'Thompson MKII' as he calls it then admires it while showing it to calliton. "Hmmmm, I believe I just did. Now then... where were we?"



OFF: Though Zeph may be extremely well financed and very well connected municapally and militarily he has limited street connections hence why he has very few counts of drug traficking, and even those were bogus so please no one get of the opinion that I've made a god character...

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"I see no reason why not. No hard feelings regardless of outcome right?" Zeph replies.


I honestly don't need anyone to be harboring a grudge not at this critical time when I'm trying to expand my underground connections... Zeph pondered

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"Hmmm, those are awefully general guidelines, time, place, and weapons?" Zeph asked, "By weapons I of course mean if firearms are allowed or only hand-to-hand combat weapons."
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"Alright then. You chose weapons and time, now I'll choose the place. The Kriolar Electronics warehouse on the southside, I purchased it a while back but kept up all its old markings, it's abandoned as far as the rest of the world is concerned. I'll see you all tomorrow then." Zeph said then tapped his foot twice and his bodyguards followed him out the door. They drove to his safehouse and discussed plans for some big heist...
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