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Reflex woke up and got out of bed quickly, it was time to meet his new client. He had sharpened his sword before he rested and it gleaned in the light, before he sheathed it.


He walked out of his house and onto the dusty, deserted street. In one fluid motion he had leapt to the roof of the nearest house and bound from one to the other, his feet barely making noise, the owners would not possibly have heard him. Eventually he reached his destination, an old warehouse, one of the most popular spots for meetings.


From afar he checked the building out, memorizing the amount of floors, exits and vantage points. He entered the warehouse, looking for his client.

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"hold on a sec" the girl said. "what" flogging asked. instead of saying something she threw the spike at them. it stuck in the ground in between floggings feet. he looked up but the girl was gone. picking up the spike he noticed some writeing on it. on one side it said "the succubus" and on the other was a flower...
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Due to a successful venture that night, Flogging proceeded to give everyone one shot on the house, then closed for the night. He wrote a note and dropped it by calliton's safehouse along with 10 percent of the money he took from the cutlery store. The note read, "Here's a cut of the money. Enjoy the knife." Flogging then pinned the envelope containing the money and note to the door with a small push knife that is concealable within the palm of the hand, but deadly none the less. Flogging then left and went to The Succubus with the spike in his inner breast pocket. Arriving, he entered and looked around quietly for the girl who threw the spike.
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after 10 minutes of searching Flogging sat down at the bar. "can i get you anything?". Flogging looked up into the inhuman violet eyes of the girl. before he could say anything the doors opened and the red haired man walked in. he was covered in blood. he came over and sat down at the bar. the girl took one look at him and grabbed a bottle under the bar marked 'wildfire' and gave it to him. after takeing a long drink he looked at her and said "it's just one of those days..."
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calliton awoke to the soft sound of something being jammed into his door

as always, he slept clothed and he quickly picke dup his sword. he waited thirty seconds then burst through the door, sword high a bove his head, and a banshee wail on his lips

noone was there, just a note... and some cash. he quickly wen tback inside, knife and all before the cops came looking around


"now that ive got some cash and im awake. ill go check out a new bar tonight."

he snuck out the back way and found himself int he succubuss thirty minutes later, sitting sent to molly

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The client was a dud, all he got in the warehouse were a few guys who attacked him. He killed them and left.


Reflex stood in front of "the bulletin", a solitary board in the middle of nowhere. The bulletin was a place people wanting something done would place a note, outlining the task and the money involved. People willing to do a task would check the bulletin for available tasks, take one and meet the client for additional info.


Reflex checked the board, the only worthwhile task needed 3 people to be accomplished, the task-manager wouldn't accept just one villain.


Which left reflex in a difficult position, he needed the money badly yet didn't know anyone who would be up for the job. He decided to check a known criminal underground club and ask around for anyone up for the job.


10 minutes later reflex stood in front of the Succubus.

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Flogging recognized calliton and reflex as they walked in, but he was too interested in the girl and the other who sat beside him with the wildfire bottle. "You look familiar. And yet, I don't seem to ever recall meeting you.... Have we ever run into each other in the past?" Flogging asked of the man next to him, the one with the wildfire bottle. He seemed genuinely interested in the man, just as he was genuinely interested in the girl who had thrown the spike that led him here. She was also the girl behind the bar. Flogging began to wonder to himself, "Is this the brilliant couple Wildfire and Shade? Could it be that I have actually run into the two?"
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