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Face tips


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When ever I see a charcter with a beutiful face, I wonder how long the person who made it sat before his PC to get this face.

So basically I wanted to ask you guys for some tips on how to get a face, that doesn't look like it has been dragged through the mud behind a horse for 3 days. Or maybe there are some kind of mods or programs, that make it easier to get a nice face for your charcters.

I hope I've made myself clear :thanks:

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As stated above, IFT is great for improving the look of vanilla Oblivion characters. I use it along with Enayla's facial textures.

Hmmm... what else...

Ah yes. I'm never satisfied with the vanilla eyes. There are tons of mods out there for replacements; I usually go with those included in the Race Balancing Project. I warn you now, it's a large file, but the eyes (and hair choices) are quite nice, and there are lots of them.

Other than that, my advice to you is: just play with the 'shape' and 'tone' sliders. Fiddle around with your face until you find something you like- the 'Randomize' tool can be useful for this too. Experiment! c:

(Of course, that's just my take on it.)

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