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Tell Acrylic about your characters!


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‘Sright, you heard me.


Tell me about your characters.


I’m a veteran roleplayer myself- a writer, too. And characterization was always my favorite part. I like hearing about what motivates people: their past, their present, their hopes for the future; what makes them into the person they are and the differences between the face they show to the world and the one that they hide. You get the picture.


So if you, like me, are the sort of person that ever came up with a complete background, personality and such for your Oblivion characters, please! Feel free to share. I will even probably ask embarrassing, prying questions. And not just about the mods you're using. >.>


Multiple characters are fine, too. Detailed descriptions are good, but a few sentences are just as acceptable. I’ll introduce you to my horrible dysfunctional character(s) after you strange internet people get settled in, eh wot?


So please, come in. Pull up a chair. The name’s Acrylic, by the way. Pleasedtomeetcha. c:


(This board posted under 'spoilers' because I don't know about you, but I'm probably going to mention a lot of them.)

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Well, these are my new characters:


Mechanics wise, my character is a Hybrid Dragon from Guardian1/Drake the Dragon's ongoing mod (it's a pre-alpha release) with a Dryad companion courtesy of the Advcanced Companions mod.


His earliest memory is Arriving in Bruma with his mother and father, the smell of sulfur and smoke heavy in his nostrils, though he can't remember why. His parents seemed tense, his father's human form was suddenly yelling at his mother, and hen they stormed off in different directions, His mother taking him into Bruma while his father stormed off into the mountains, only to appear as a giant red shadow flying away.


The other children wouldn't play with him because of his appearance, and he was often accused of being part argonian as an insult, though he was stronger than the majority of the nord children that were a good five years older than him. an outcast and even watched by his mother, he found his only place of acceptance in the Chapel of Talos, and he embraced the faith entirely, for the civility and protection that's offered by the patron of adventurers.


When he was a teenager, he was walking around in the mountains. He'd taken to it as a passtime when he wasn't reading, doing priestly functions, or teaching himself how to use a sword. And he found a Spring Child, the male without a father mix of a spriggan and a human. she came with him back to Bruma and he put her up at his house.


for a while they were happy, her attending service while he did priestly functions. eventually though, she told him about where she was from. She wanted to find her human father, and he was somewhere in the Imperial city. so they left bruma for their little adventure - and found themselves thrown in jail. apparently, the man didn't want anything to do with his supernatural scion, and resorted to calling the guards on these "thieves" in order to get them away. next thing they knew, they were in the imperial dungeon...

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  • 8 months later...

Wow what an interesting topic. :thumbsup:

Well my character is a Mystic Elf female Silence. And her story is kind of crappy. But oh well. She was living with her family in a kingdom called Inferno (copied from my friends nickname) one day her twin brother Shadow (my former character) was been kidnaped but soon Silence managed to find out that the person who kidnaped her brother is hiding somewhere in Cyrodiil. And with the help of one mage she teleported to Cyrodiil in hopes to kill the kidnaper and find her twin brother.


I see people tries to explain why are their characters in prison. For some I reson I never tried that. :teehee:

Edited by Dimmu666
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My characters name is J`Tarah, and she is a Khajiit assassin. prior to her birth her parents were taken by slavers to Morrowind. Her mother was sold to the Imperials to work in the Caldera mines but after her pregnancy was discovered she was allowed lighter duty in the governors mansion. After J`Tarahs birth she was sent back to Elsweyr to be raised in an ophanage, but she never truly fit in. Harboring an intense hatred for dunmer, and to a lesser extent imperials, she ran away at 16 and began a life of highway robbery. Joining up with a band of Khajiiti highwaymen she made a name for herself as a capable warrior, rising through the informal ranks to eventually head up the gang with the death of the previous leader. Through it all she had gradually fallen in love with one of the other bandits, but it was not to be. During a raid on a high profile Imperial caravan he was killed and J`Tarah snapped. She captured the elven maiden who had stabbed him and scalped her, fashioning her long (and now blood red) tresses into a wig. This was her trophy and reminder of her beloved, but the taking of a mane was viewed as a grave insult against the True Mane and she was banished from Elsweyr. Alone and on the road she continued to terrorize the contryside until legion troops overpowered her and took her to the imperial prison to await execution. While in her cell a chance meeting with the emperor changed her fate and you know the rest.


Random Facts:


Her feelings toward Imperials has softened a bit, since she has been helped out by them more than once, She still has trouble accepting the Dunmer, though. You have no idea how hard it was for her to make it through the first fighters guild mission where she had to kill lions to save a Dunmers filthy pet rats.


She left the fighters guild to join the Dark Brotherhood but the life on an assassin took its toll on her. The death of everyone closest to her by her own hand almost pushed her over the edge. Since Luciens death and her promotion to Listener she hasn't returned to the sanctuary.


J`Tarah is my little Eater Egg reference to Cheetarah from the Thundercats cartoon.


Her favorite weapons are a Bosmer Redwood bow (realswords mod), a Knucklebow Saber (realswords), and my own custom claymore I named Fatalis after the ancient sabertooth tiger. Perhaps someday to be released as a mod if I ever get around to finishing the lore/miniquest.


I have chapters of this stuff floating around in my head. This was the condensed version. Feel free to ask anything you like.



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I beleive there was already a topic similar to this in the General Oblivion board. o.O

I'll repost what I posted there.


As for how/why he ended up in prison...he got caught by Adamus Phillida after many years trying to catch him, but obviously the prison didn't contain him. He was arrested under the charges of theft, murder, conspiring to murder, Daedra Worship, alliance with the Dark brotherhood and engaging in activities with them, taunting Soldiers, breaking into the Imperial Palace basement and stealing goods, assault, starting brawls, taking part in brawls, illigal use of poisons, illigal use of Dark Magic, walking around with no clothes on/streaking, hosting illigal meetings, crimes against The Mane (in Elswyer), Grand Theft Horse, killing and eating Horses, killing livestock, damaging crops, shouting profanity at people in the streets, vandalism, illigal use of Dwemer technology and finally resisting arrest. (he's committed more crimes in Elswyer but most are the same as those in Cyrodill, so I left them out.)


Name: Godo Sarukodai

Gender: Male

Species: Jinimaru

Sign: The Lady

Class: Acrobat

Money: 400 Gold or less

Homes: Bruma Caverns, Waterfront Shack, Bravil Shack, Riverhold Den, Corinthe Shack. (and any free bedrolls he sees)

Favourite Land: Shivering Isles

Friend: Thadon (Bosmer, Bliss)

Best Friend: Brithaur (Bosmer, Crucible)

Enemy: Raminus Polus (Imperial, Mages Guild)

Worst Enemy: Arch-mage Traven (Breton, Mages Guild)

Mental Information: Delusional, hyperactive, kleptomaniac, schitzophrenia.

Combat Preference: Bow & Arrow, Blade

Combat Style: Stealth

Greatest Fear: Losing Sheogorath

Greatest Want: For Sheogorath to rule Tamriel

Physique: Slender, athletic.

Level: 30-40 (changes every few Oblivion days)

Joined Guilds/Factions: Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, The Blades, Shivering Isles Resident, Hunters Guild (mod)

Neutral Guilds/Factions: Fighters Guild, Imperial Legion (mod), Acoltyl, Heretic, Bandit, Vampire, Merchants Guild (mod).

Enemy Guilds/Factions: Mages Guild, Knights of the Nine, Conjurer, Mythic Dawn.

Childhood: Godo was forced to worship Sheogorath as a cub, but grew up being overly loyal. He was also often beaten with a stick by Dark Elves who lived in Corinthe, and on several occasions was accidently mistaken for a slave in Orcrest. Godo's father was killed whilst he was a child.

Teenage: Godo spent many of his teenage as a Bandit in Cyrodill and a slave abolisher in Elsweyr, he was often beaten with a stick by Dark Elves and Orcs whenever he held protests in Orcrest. Godo's mother was killed when he was a teenager, and upon her death he ended his life as a Bandit and Slave Abolisher, and became a Hunter.

Diet: Omnivoir, will eat anything he can find...even Nightshade if no other food is available! (when in a state of madness, he'll even eat Bosmer!!)

Prefered Food: Venison, Boar, Horse, Fish

Disliked Food: Wheat, Rice, Lettuce, Cabbage (obviously Poisonous items too)

Most Common ingredients in Poisons: Nightshade, Wormwood, St. Jahn's Wart, Flax Seeds.

Most Common ingredients in Potions: Venison, Lavender, Apple, Carrot.

Weapon Enchantment: Damage Health 15-30 points on strike.

Favourite Arrow Type: Elven Arrow

Favourite Blade type: Daedric Dagger

Favourite Armour: Leather

Spells: night-eye, detect life, invisibility, heal wounds, cure disease, dispel.

Friendly Races: Bosmer, Khajiit, Jinimaru (mod)

Neutral Races: High-Elf, Nord, Tabaxi (mod)

Hostile Races: Imperial, Breton, Redguard, Dark Elf, Orc, Argonian

Favourite City/Town: Imperial City, Skingrad Town

Least Favourite City/Town: Orcrest City, Bravil Town

Favourite Daedra: Sheogorath

Least Favourite Daedra: Mehrunes Dagon

Favourite Devine: Akatosh

Least Favourite Devine: Stendarr

Main Weakness: Low Personality, Low Strength (when not sneaking)

Main Strength: Sneak, Security



Godo is the last of his species in most of the provinces of Tamriel and was driven mad by the thought (some still exist in Skyrim, Valenwood and Black Marsh). He's an 'annoying fan' of Sheogorath and worships him even when committing murder for the Dark brotherhood (instead of worshiping Sithis). He's a member of the Theives Guild and likes to harass the Grey Fox, and enjoys randomly punching Fighters Guild members and getting kicked out of the guild constantly. He hates the Mages Guild with a passion and will attack anyone who approaches him wearing one of their robes. His best friend is Brithaur in Crucible who steals from him, and who he steals back from. His enemy is Raminus Polus of the Mages guild. He likes to play cat and mouse with Hieronymus Lex and The Blades by stealing from them in a way so they can catch him and engage combat/chase, this behavior is actually a trait of his species and not of his kleptomania as his people attacked Ogres so they'd be chased by them (this supposedly trained their Athletics skill when they couldn't go hunting for some reason). He also likes to annoy Jauffre and Martin by stealing from them and waving the stolen item in front of them (another trait of the species, and not kleptomania). When not randomly stealing or attacking people, Godo likes to dungeon dive for loot and reads as many books as he can before throwing them at the nearest person. He also enjoys making poisons and hunting. Godo's people usually fought with tooth and claw as he does now and where also very skilled with making the deadliest of poisons which they used to contaminate enemy food supplies. Godo however likes dipping his arrows into the poisons he makes and shooting his enemies instead. He was born under the sign of the Lady, and certainly does not like it when people mention it. If someone sees him commit murder, Godo will respond by murdering EVERYONE who shouts murder and will only flee if his health goes below 100 (out of 600). He does not kill Townsfolk in the Shivering Isles, but will kill Guards and anyone outside of settlements. He likes to go hunting with Jyred Ice-viens, and always loots the kills. Godo also finds it amusing to listen to the Prophet and then attack him when he gets too loud. Without his poisons, bows and arrows he is a very frail creature and is easily able to catch diseases. His father was killed by Imperial Guards at the border near Riverhold whilst trying to flee Elswyer as he had contracted a hybrid disease which made him a vampiric werewolf (drinks blood as a werewolf when the moon is half full or more.) The Mages Guild insisted he be slaughtered before the disease could spread, and thus came one half of why Godo hates the guild. The other half stems from the fact that his mother was used by the guild to isolate a Necromancer with her tracking abilities, and was then used as bait without her knowing it to flush him out. Godo swore to kill anyone in the Mages Guild should they ever approach him, and seeks to kill the one who gave the order to use his mother as bait.

Godo lives alone in a fishing residence not far from his hometown of Corinthe, where he catches sharks and other sea predators (and some normal fish) to sell at the market. His madness pushes him to hunting for the biggest and deadliest animals, even going so far as to ignore the need to brethe just so he can catch his prize. He spends most of his time in the Shivering Isles worshipping Sheogorath but doing little else, as most of his activities steam from Tamriel.

Godo is a young adult and because he beleives he's the last of his species he does -not- have a large interest in women.


(I need to fix his skin when I fix Photoshop, his mane doesn't connect to his shoulders like it should plus I haven't finished the female version. :o)


Picture of Godo near Imperial City

Godo begging not to see the vet as Sheogorath looks angry at him

Godo wants a fresh bowl of Bosmer, as his apparently tastes of rotten Scamps.

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Well, it's going to be too hard to one-up what Zuperbuu just did there, so I think I'll just copy the first half of that post and use it as a template for mine.


Name: Valeria

Gender: Female

Species: Nord

Sign: The Thief

Class: Agent

Money: ~20k gold

Homes: Battlehorn Castle, Rosethorn Hall

Allied Guilds: Thieves Guild

Enemy Guilds: Everyone Else

Combat Preference: Blade/Unarmed

Combat Style: Gymnastic

Physique: Practically Emaciated


As a preteen, Valeria was kidnapped from her storybook-like idyllic lifestyle that she had in a small town in Skyrim. Having no recollection of who her captors were, she began life as a beggar on the streets. By the time she was sixteen, she had been arrested by Hieronymous Lex over eight times. During a routine mugging when she was 17, Valeria pulled off a large heist, stealing an entire ship from the bay of the Imperial City's Waterfront. This action impressed Armand, a doyen of the thieves guild, who took in Valeria as an apprentice of thieving.


At age 21, the girl found herself witnessing the emperor's assassination- She had followed him and his blades bodyguards through a secret tunnel in the imperial city jail, hoping to break out of jail and get back to Armand. Valeria was dumbstruck when the Emperor went on about a "dragonfire prophecy", and gave her the amulet of kings before he died.


When Valeria made it out of the sewers of the Imperial City, free at last, she decided to try on the amulet of kings. She was overcome with pain, and her mind fractured into two, resulting in her becoming a chaotic evil character. Valeria, surging with dark impulses, broke into the Mages' university, and stole several scrolls with spells on them, which she commit to memory.


She studied in secret until her spell was complete: Anarchia Aegisara: A Spell that would make everyone within the imperial city frenzy at once, leading to riots everywhere.

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  • 4 months later...

My character is a bit....different

His name is Senso

Nobody knows where he came from, some say he came from oblivion, Others say that he was created by a god but escaped from his master. Senso is a master of...dancing? and blades, he uses brutal combat methods by combining dancing and swords, twirling around his enemies with two swords eventually hacking them to shreds... He seems to be rather silly at times...The last time someone witnessed him hurting himself was when he fell off dive rock because of a gust of wind. He doesn't have morals, he'll kill someone when he feels like it and help someone when he feels like it. Despite that he is rather friendly especially towards the opposite gender, helping them when they are in distress. Senso is hard to entertain, especially if your telling him joke, and if your too fast for him in combat , he'll just launch a fire ball at you. He is easily compared to an argonian because of his blue tail but nobody really knows if he is an argonian or a dark being.

(Senso is my avi)

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Well mine is fairly standard and it's heavily affected by in-game plots but whatever...


Name: Hodou Masaka

Gender: Male

Species: Dark Elf

Age: 24

Class: Vagabond (formerly noble)

Allied Guilds: Dark Brotherhood


Hodou Masaka was originally Hodou Lirason, a member of the respected Lirason family in Vvardenfell. Everything fell apart for him when he decided to investigate the strange behavior of his older brother Vinerci. As well as Vinerci had hidden his tracks, Hodou soon discovered his brother's disturbing secret -- he had become a vampire, a member of the Aundae clan. But the revelation came too late; that night, Hodou returned to find his entire family slaughtered by his brother, who was frantically trying to ensure his identity remained a secret by killing them all. The two fought, and Hodou managed to slay his brother. However, after the battle, Hodou had begun to show symptoms of pophyric hemophilia -- the vampire's disease.


Fearing he would be tracked down by the Aundae or accused of murder, Hodou changed his last name and fled to the Imperial City in Cyrodiil, where he had heard vampires were less prominent, and therefore expected to be able to hunt for a cure in peace. When he got off the boat at the waterfront, it felt as if the sun was the brightest it had ever been in his life. After the second day of searching for a cure, he came to realize that he didn't have nearly enough time. He prayed to the Nine for salvation, but the prayers fell on deaf ears (The Lirasons traditionally did not embrace the Nine, but in his desperation Hodou had hoped they would forgive him.) Out of options, he tried to find a way to flee from society entirely and avoid succumbing to the unimaginable bloodlust that awaited him. He went downriver in a small boat, and eventually came to a strange door in Niben Bay. Several dead bodies lay sprawled in front of it, and a voice from beyond called for Hodou to enter. Inside lay the realm of the Daedric Prince Sheogorath, who seemingly intended to use Hodou to do his dirty work.


During his time in the Shivering Isles, much of Hodou's mind slowly began to slip away. He himself did not notice it, of course -- how could he remember how he had promised to cure his condition? How could he remember his promise not to drink the blood of the innocent? And had he always found crime and murder to be this fun...? He did what made sense to him in a upside-down world. The sun was so painful, and drinking made that pain go away. There was no downside! And the Madgod was the wisest being in the realm, it only made sense to follow him!


However, on one of the tasks set forth by the Madgod, Hodou encountered knights in gray armor, who appeared to be more stone than man. The knights attacked on sight, and Hodou was forced to fight them head-to-head. Not being used to this sort of combat, Hodou barely came out on top, and was terribly wounded by one of the knights before they fell. Though he would recover from the injury, the attack from the Knights of Order apparently able to calm the chaos in Hodou's own mind. Though he still could not remember why he was a vampire, or that he had not always been the sinister being he was today, one memory was able to resurface -- his brother. And in that moment, Hodou realized he had to escape the Shivering Isles for good.


Hodou found his escape from the Isles to be surprisingly simple, and he soon found himself back in Cyrodiil. Though he attempted to hide in the nearby town of Bravil, it wasn't long before word of his location got out. One night, a group of vampire hunters attempted to take his life, and he was forced to kill them and flee from town. He went into hiding in the wilderness, where he thought nobody would find him. And yet, a sinister man named Lucien LaChance was able to prove him wrong...

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I'm just going to steal one of the other poster's templates to start...


Name: Deval Garvey

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Species: Breton (Sometimes I play him as an Imperial or Redguard)

Sign: The Ritual

Class: Necromancer

Money: Generally under 1k

Current Job: Cleric

Homes: Any Necromancer Cave

Allied Guilds: Necromancer Cult

Enemy Guilds: Mages Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Imperial Legion

Traveling With: Adam (Imperial Spellsword), Joseph (Nord Warrior), Drenim/"Dustin" (Dark Elf Archer), Matthew (Redguard Swordsman), Sara (Breton Mage)


(Just a note, I always use the "Start Arrive By Ship" Mod)


Story thus far:

Born and raised in Cyrodiil, Deval had a normal childhood in a middle-class home with his Redguard father and Breton (sometimes Imperial) mother. At an early age Deval dabbled in the art of Restoration, and joined the Mages Guild early on in his life. Under his tutor, the High Elf Mahdara, the man became a novice in Restoration and Mysticism before moving to Vvardenfell with his family and childhood friend, the Imperial Knight Seikei. Communicating with his former mentor through letters, Deval learned that Mahdara had started to take a particular interest in the schools of Destruction, Conjuration and Mysticism. The High Elf frequently hinted that he had started working with the dead, and in his last letter Mahdara confided in the Breton that he had found a way to become immortal. Soon after, the Mage's Council had discovered the High Elf's messages, and Mahdara was forced into hiding. Influenced by his former mentor's letters, Deval started practicing the arts of Conjuration, Destruction and Mysticism as well, while developing a fondness for small daggers and scythes as weapons.


Over the years, Deval's father had advanced through the ranks of the Imperial Legion, eventually attaining the rank of Knight-Errant after leading an attack on a Commona Tong drug smuggling operation. Unfortunately, the Redguard's men had killed an undercover Dark Brotherhood assassin who had been tasked to kill the leader of the operation. Days later, Deval awoke to find his mother dead and his father in combat with a skilled Dark Brotherhood Executioner. Sneaking up on the assassin, Deval finished the fight by stabbing the Executioner in the back with his scythe as the assassin used magicka to end the Knight Errant's life. Left alone with the bodies of his dead parents and their murderer, Deval used the corpses to further his studies, telling himself that he could resurrect his parents if he was powerful enough in order to ease the guilt of what he was doing. Eventually, Deval's childhood friend Seikei discovered what the would-be Necromancer was doing, and knowing that Seikei had become a member of the Imperial Legion, Deval fled from Morrowind in fear of being prosecuted for his crimes.


Sailing back to Cyrodiil, Deval started his new life in the Imperial province by murdering a Breton female in her sleep, following rumors that the Dark Brotherhood would visit him if he did so. After receiving a visit from Lucien Lachance, Deval murdered the man named Rufio but neglected to visit the Cheydinhal sanctuary, prompting to wait until he was strong enough to kill all of the members there before doing so. Deval soon gained the trust of the Necromancer in Cyrodiil and spent the following weeks traveling from between Necromancer inhabited dungeons, intent on finding his old mentor. After hearing rumors that a powerful Lich had taken residence in a cave near Leyawiin, (Unique Dungeons, Lich's Lair) the Breton decided that he would soon travel to the lair and see if his mentor had indeed achieved immortality, and learn his secrets. However, soon after a party of adventurers attacked his temporary home, and during the battle that ensured Deval quietly assassinated one of his fellow necromancers and stole his monk's robe. Once most of the Necromancer's in the cave had perished, the Breton met with the five remaining adventures and thanked them for "saving him from his captors," offering to serve as the party's healer in return. Once the cave had been cleared of Necromancer, Deval informed the party of a recently discovered cave north of Leyawiin that was said to be ripe with treasures...


Combat Style:

When staying true to his nature, Deval fights by summoning Skeletal and Zombie undead, blasting away with ranged Destruction and Mysticism spells as his summons keep his opponents busy. If the Necromancer's foes move to engage Deval in close combat, the Breton sheaths his dagger and summons his true weapon, a large scythe, to deal with the enemies.

When disguised as a Cleric, Deval simply stays behind his allies and uses ranged Restoration spells to help them in combat. However, if an enemy managed to evade his companions, the "Cleric" often runs away from the battle, summoning his scythe and his undead servants once he is out of his companion's view, and using a dispel spell to erase the evidence of his necromancy after the enemy has been killed.


I'll add a little more to this once I've played with this character more, and I might do profiles for my other characters, Seikei and Mahdara later.

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Name: Vindekarr

Gender: female

Race: Sons Of Russ(custom, not available for public use)

Age: Old, 300+ not including time in stasis. Inc stasis time potentialy severel thousand years old, biologicaly immortal due to altered cellular structure and cybernetics.

Physique: slender, but athletic and powerful

Bithsign: Russ.


Class: Inquisitor

Combat style: sword in one hand, pistol in the other

Weapons: ancient magnumed pistols, ancient longsword, crossbow, ancient powersword.

Level: modded, 245 combat level, due to added skills, and respecing. level 65 prior to mod.

Combat role: damagedealer, psyker.

Strenghts: incredible DPS, high agility, strong at range and melee.

Weaknesses: Low total HP, poor mitigations, reliant on a tanker to defeat some bosses/


Allies: The Sons Of Russ(mod) very few others.

Enemies: the mages guild, the necromancer's cabal, the false empire under martin septim, the mythic dawn, and anyone else who gets in the way of her empire and new order.

Most hated enemy: martin septim the false emperor.


races: Percieves the nords and redguards as ignorant barbarians, but useful, sees the imperials as misguided, arrogant and prideful, but a useful tool to manipulate, sees the elves and beastfolk as xenus abonimatus, to be annihilated. Sees ircs as twisted mutants, and hates them like nothing else on the planet.


Wealth: ~98,000,000 GP.

Home: Fenris Keep, far north of cyrodiil, just over the border with Skyrim.

Factions: Sons Of Russ.

Agenda: bring tamriel to heel under the emperor, whatever the cost to them.

Alignment: lawful good; a zealous and heroic character, but ruthless and partialy guided by hatred for the unclean and tainted, and perfectly willing to extend that hatred to anyone else stupid enough to get in the way.


MODs: Numerous, mostly my own custom tamriel mods that blend it in with creatures from my own writing, and a lot of other custom content. Borders on total-conversion.


Though she remembers very little of her life before coming to tamriel. Vin woke in a life support pod, awakened after the device's life support systems failed after several hundred years of neglect. Finding herself in an ancient, ruined derelict, with only faint, ancient memories of what the relic had once been. The derelict was the ruin of an interstellar ship, destroyed by unknown means, that had crashed to the surface of tamriel during her long stasis. Finding herself the last survivor. She slowly egained her abilties, and repaired her badly damaged cybernetics. Though suffuring from severe amnesia from millenia in stasis, she did retain foggy memories of the entire diferent world and time she came from, and came to the conclusion that some form of malfunction and anomaly in warp space had somehow deposited her here, perhaps in an entirely diferent time, certainly a galaxy away from where she had been.

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