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Here is Gwenne Genver, my Breton spellsword, using her Azural Glow Dagger:




Here are two other shots of it ... the last showing the effects upon a mudcrab:





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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

This thread should be revived :)


This is my first char ever, must be at least 4 years that I made him, and I don't know his name any more... but I had a lot of fun with him, especially after he found the dwemer machine which colored his armor pieces 8)


Pic 1

Pic 2


And my last char, Nyx the highelven sorceress. A much more elaborated char with a background story and such, but the game is still as much fun as with the first one.


Pic 1

Pic 2

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  • 3 months later...

As you can see, I've photoshopped this pic of my MW char where I put my own face onto the Nord character. The only hairdo that would work with my photo-face was the sort of pageboy bob blonde one ... not my favorite Nordic hairdo at all. So I photoshopped this to look more the way I wanted her to ... the lips didn't come out right, but I like the full lips that girls have now whereas mine are thinner.






Here are Justun F. Thyme and Baraka, his telepathic shapeshifting sivery-afgandog/snow-wolf, who together won me the coveted ElderScrolls Source RP Competition Participant Banner that I wear proudly at other sites :-D ;D




Here are chars from my Wizards Tower mod:





the 2nd group are celestial wizard robes that I made.

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  • 1 month later...

I usually play Mage/Sorceress magicka type characters, either Breton or Altmer, prefer Breton due to the Altmers weaknesses to the elemental magicks (this was not so back in Daggerfall where Altmers were my favorite characters.) I have just recently played a Bosmer archer lass because my huggy has made a tremendously fun over-the-top bow called Dragonmaw with arrows called Dragonteeth. It can send a whole platoon of imperial guards flying backwards with one hit.


I am also considering a Khajiiti Mage or possibly Spellsword, not exactly an exact fit but I want to see how it goes. Hopefully will get back with that.


I don't have any screenshots of Oblivion characters. I have enabled AllowScreenshot=1 in the .ini file. Could someone please tell me what else I need to do to Oblivion to get screenshots taken. I still don't have the facility to fully see my character except in the Inventory window. I'm sorry if I put this in the wrong section ... Morrowind instead of Oblivion.

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  • 5 weeks later...

o_O Btw... sorry, that's my Oblivion character.

I accidentaly posted this in a Morrowind character forum-thread because my browser has gone insane and made me miss the last part of the topic name/location :dry:

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