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Will I have a compatibility issue?


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[i'm looking for a quick reply]


Hey all, I'm installing Oblivion right now (just started) and I've never used mods in the countless times I've played through the game... to get that little spark going that makes something fun, I decided to just put in mods.


For compatibility issues, I decided to go with mods that are in different areas of the game from each other: a texture/body replacer mod, a small content mod/plug-in, and a Gameplay enhancing thingy mod


Texture: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10171

Content: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25574

Gameplay: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8273


Because I'm using THREE mods, I've decided to download and use OBMM (the mod manager) and because of the 'Gameplay' mod requirement, I am using the highest stable version of OBSE (script extender) which is 0017a.


Based on your opinion or experience, will I have any compatibility issues from what you can see in these three mods? So far, I don't think they'll overlap, therefore there will be no compatibility issues - I hope.




EDIT: Also, I am running the latest patch of Oblivion (like 1.2.0416 or whatever).

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Since you have OBMM, Create or load the OMOD for each. After you do, the window showing the OMODS will have a coloured Dot in front of it, of course, all should be green if no mods installed, after installing a mod, OBMM evaluates the conflict status of the other mods, if the dot shows red, there is conflicts, and you will probably overwrite the files of the mod you just activated if you activate the one with the red dot. If Black, you will be overwriting an esp or esm. There are other colours and you should be able to find their meaning in the readme/instructions for OBMM. This should give you a quick reference on conflicts however and get you started quickly.
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The coloured square next to each mod indicates its status. Blue mods are currently active, green are inactive with no conflicts, orange are inactive with minor conflicts, red are inactive with major conflicts and black are inactive but activating them will overwrite an esp belonging to another mod. Holding the mouse pointer over an omod will display a tooltip containing some info about the file as well as the mod description. If you want certain mods to stand out, you can assign them to a group and then set a different font for that group.
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