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forcing AA in oblivion.ini


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I read in other forums that setting imultisample=0 to 2,4,8 or something could force oblivion to use AA along with HDR, I tried it but it doesn't work. Is there anyone that have tried it and got it to work?
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Yea I'm using that right now, but things can get blurry, for example when light shines on shiny things, like a blade or something, you see a "ghost" illusion of the blade beside the actual blade.


I also use screeneffects, an absolute must for me to make things atomspheric (you should try it too http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16323) turning that mod on along with AA in the catalyst makes thing REALLY BLURRY.

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`.."ghost" illusion of the blade..'


That's weird -- I haven't seen that one. Thanks for the pointer to screen effects, I might give it a go, if only for screen captures.


Catalyst has so many variable options that it would take hours of fiddling to try all available permutations :D

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