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A new intro/beginning


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If any of you enjoyed to RP in Oblivion you'll know what I'm talking about, I think it'd be cool if someone designed a mod where you can start a new game and have it set in a different area other than Vault 101, So for example you could make it for the player to choose where he wanted to start/how and depending on what you chose it'd determine your items you have how much caps, where you are, etc.


Settler in Big town

Settler in Rivet City








I just thought it'd be cool and a nice new experience, and it couldn't be too hard right?

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Have you tried this mod? I ask because it seems to be exactly what you're looking for.

Yeah I did a search but this didn't come up, so sorry for recommending something that's been done XD. Thanks... now if only the servers weren't down.

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