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My Dreams


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Thanks to Dezi for introducing me to Druid's Garden. If you all are up for it, I'll share a piece or two or three, lol PLEASE NOTE MUCH OF MY POETRY IS ADULT IN NATURE!! If words I use are not permitted, someone do me the courtesy of letting me know and I'll either edit them to be more G-rated friendly, or remove the piece. I couldn't see in the pinned thread for this section where it said adult themes were a no-no. Ok, enough preamble, here is one of my pieces. This is one of the milder pieces so no adult supervision needed :cool:




My Dreams


I went walking in my sleep

searching for a dream

dreams no longer come to me

perhaps I stopped making them feel welcomed


like rainbow colored soap bubbles

billowing from a child’s magic wand


barely seen

strangely obscene

pretty dreams that left me wanting


got tired of the tough breaks

tired of love wrestling with hate

now there’s not even a crumb left on my plate

the kitchen is open, but I’m still hungry


pieces of dreams splattered all in my head space

no one image ever staying put

or in place for very long

not strong enough

or too strong

figuring out this puzzle

is like plugging errant notes into a barely remembered song


but it’s the same old day

same tired tune

fragmented dreams don’t make any sense

I feel stupid for the longing

though I’m far from dense


maybe it’s just never my time

dreams promised to and for me

still stick figures

prancing in a straight line

if you think this piece is all over the place

then you get it- the pictures of my face

fading in and out of reality

waiting for my dreams to come back to me



I went floating in my sleep

searching for my dreams

they no longer come willingly to me

perhaps they just stopped feeling welcomed.



©TDM (02/27/08)

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Thank you Dezi and Dragonpen! I appreciate you checking it out. :thanks: Hopefully I'll get a chance to do some reading here in the next few days, I'm excited to see what you and others have penned. :thumbsup:
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