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Custom hood w/ hair - tinting problems


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Sooooo, here I am again. I put mods aside for a long time, but I am picking them up again. But.... as I am putting finishing touches on my custom armor, I have discovered a new and frustrating bug.


The situation:

I have attached some hair to the hood of my armor. I have set the shader property of the hair trishape within the hood nif to exactly match the shader for vanilla Bethesda hair (and hooked up my textures). When wearing the hood and changing the character's hair color in the race menu, the hair tints show up properly.


And here is the problem:

The color doesn't stick. If the hood is removed and then put back on, the hair attached to the hood defaults to a dark color. This was also experienced by a friend who tested the issue for me. Under normal circumstances, the hood's hair defaults to a dark color every time. He also reported that custom colors were not working, but I have not tested that myself yet.


I have tried messing with the shader property a bit.

  • I have tried unchecking SLF2_Vertex_Colors (Obviously, it just makes the hair totally untintable)
  • I have tried setting the shader type from Hair Tint to Default


I have also tried messing with the skin partitions.

  • Within the nif, I have tried setting the hair trishape to 141 and 41 (long hair), and to 131 and 31 (hair)
  • I have tried setting the hood and feather trishapes to 131 and 31, and to 141 and 41
  • In the creation kit, the hood armor addon occupies biped slots 31(hair), 41(long hair), and 43(ears). I have not tried changing these yet.


Any ideas? I did a bit of searching and saw this problem mentioned in one other place, but no solution was offered. :C

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