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Color changing Hud


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I just wanted to know if anyone would be interested in making a color changing hud/pip boy color. I don't know exactly if this is possible but it doesnt hurt to ask.


Like one that cycles through colors? OK so here is my opinion based on a massive dearth of knowledge re: xml. The color codes are 6 digit hex with no rainbow or changing colors. Buuuuuut it seems to me that with a script you could have it change the color code several times a second moving from shade to shade to make it appear to be a graduated change between shades. You can set a quest script to fire as often as you like from fractions of a second to days or longer, so I think in theory the effect your looking for *is* possible.

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I think there is a mod that does something close to that ... but not change the hud colors randomly it just changes color to let you know this is npc is hostile, detecting you, fleeing from you, or nutral.

I did a bit of research and I think with NVSE the pieces are there. setUIFloat & setUIString will allow you to alter the HUD. Both of those (although for colors I think it will just be setUIFloat) use the same format as getUIFloat "MenuName/ElementName/ElementName/.../TraitName" All of the elements in the main hud (and others like barter, inventory etc) use this;


to make sure all your screens have the same color. So setting the systemcolor should via setUIFloat should make all the menus appear to cycle through colors. If I knew even a tiny fraction of xml that would be trivial to figure out the element. But I don't have to learn xml, I can probably figure out the element from any hud mod that changes the main color.


However if you remember the name of the mod you have in mind it would help.

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