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Help - Dead Money holograms


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I need to make NPC's using the dead money hologram suits.

These suits are seen on the cashiers and stuff.

I specifically need the 'hologramoutfit' because it has both male and female models.


Problem is: They don't glow like they do in dead money, they're usually very dark black looking and barely that nice blue colour. I need to change that but problem is i dont know how.


Does it have something to do with emitters? Also if i wanted to make one of these suits for the player, how would i make it glow for them?


Thanks in advance.

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I think it's called 'spells', or 'effects', something like that, on the NPC window. One of the tabs.

Look at an existing hologram guy, and then put the same ones on your new NPC (or just copy one of the existing ones and make him your new guy).


I've changed my goal overnight. Now i need to make a version of this armour for the player using what you just mentioned above. I've also read about it being a shader or something. NPC's are new to me in the geck, i usually make scripted objects and worldspaces.


How would i add a shadder/spell/effect to the player when they equip the hologram outfit? Is this possible?

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Attach the below script to the outfit:

ref	rTarget
short	bEquipped
short	iFrames

begin OnEquip

	set rTarget to GetContainer
	set bEquipped to 1


begin GameMode

	if bEquipped
		if rTarget.GetEquipped OutfitEditorID == 0
			rTarget.SMS ShaderEditorID
			set bEquipped to 0
		elseif iFrames
			set iFrames to iFrames - 1
			rTarget.PMS ShaderEditorID
			set iFrames to 60


(Note that you need to replace OutfitEditorID and ShaderEditorID with the actual Editor IDs you use)

Edited by jazzisparis
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Attach the below script to the outfit:

ref	rTarget
short	bEquipped
short	iFrames

begin OnEquip

	set rTarget to GetContainer
	set bEquipped to 1


begin GameMode

	if bEquipped
		if rTarget.GetEquipped OutfitEditorID == 0
			rTarget.SMS ShaderEditorID
			set bEquipped to 0
		elseif iFrames
			set iFrames to iFrames - 1
			rTarget.PMS ShaderEditorID
			set iFrames to 60


(Note that you need to replace OutfitEditorID and ShaderEditorID with the actual Editor IDs you use)


Thankyou so much!

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