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CTD on startup


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After trimming down my load order, it runs much more smoothly. I left ENB on, but at the end of the day, I'd rather play the game than look at it, so if need be I'll turn that off as well. But now I'm having a rather odd visual bug:




When I enter dialogue with an NPC, the camera angle changes and the dialogue menu turns opaque. I've never had this bug before, I have no idea what could be causing it.

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AV should be at the end. Since you have more than one skyproc I would suggest using SUM. Among other things SPIKE.esm shouldn't be there with IA7. You should uninstall IA7 and then reinstall/uninstall IA6 then reinstall IA7 should fix that. Eckstraa should be above the base module for hoth's esps as well.


CCO doesn't play nice with SkyRe so unless you are totally hooked on the idea can it.


Beyond that you need some skyre patches man.


Start with this one. And make sure you don't use the IA patch from it.



Then this one. Skip IA on this one too.



Finally this one. Use the IA patches here and make sure you get the right one for your setup.



I would scratch ENB. It's great for DX9 Games, but why would you bother with DX11 games? It's a huge performance hit no matter which one you use. Also make sure you are not using FXAA or AA above 4x. 8x is negligable and a huge performance loss.


Also go check out the Unofficial SkyRe patch.


CoT is a spectacular mod and combined with ELFX is even better.


Boss comes with a user rules editor it's just you have to search for the BOSS GUI to use it. Should be in your start menu for BOSS.


As for that dialogue thing I've never seen that either. Can't help there.

Edited by sekkusu
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Hm. Would you say Requiem is better than SkyRe as a gameplay overhaul mod? Are there other gameplay overhauls I should try? I tried Requiem briefly but thought it was more trouble than it was worth because of all the patches it needed (also, it made my game really f*#@ing hard even on low difficulties), but if SkyRe needs just as many patches, it might be worth a second look. SkyRe at least has an automatic patch generator, but after looking in the comments it seems the mod author isn't updating or supporting it anymore, and other mod authors have taken up the task of creating current patches for SkyRe, such as the ones you've linked me to.

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AV should be at the end. Since you have more than one skyproc I would suggest using SUM. Among other things SPIKE.esm shouldn't be there with IA7. You should uninstall IA7 and then reinstall/uninstall IA6 then reinstall IA7 should fix that. Eckstraa should be above the base module for hoth's esps as well.


He's using GDO and 'Immersive Weapons.' Both of those mods still require spike.esm as a master.

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I'm a lady. ^_^


Also, I think the odd dialog bug had to do with ENB, since it seems to have disappeared since I uninstalled it. I've never had a problem with ENB before, but then I was into the game's data files, trying to improve performance by messing around with stuff I probably shouldn't have been messing around with. I was using a proxy dll because of HialgoBoost--which I would uninstall, except tesv.exe throws an error if I do and won't work until I plug it back in.

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I don't know about GDO don't use it, but IW doesn't need it anymore as far as I can tell. I'm using the latest and It's not in my load order. To fix that TESV error you just need to validate the install through steam. It will download the exe again without injections. Keep in mind though if you have anything else that injects code into the exe they won't work anymore either.

I can't say this way or that for Requiem. Never tried it. I don't like the scope of it. The author of Skyre has basically stopped working on it and is working on something else. He says it's what skyre was supposed to be before it got out of hand. Skyre is a bit of work, but if you ask me more than worth it when it's all said and done. The only thing that really messes with it now is when other authors release updates. We have to either go through lots of xml text to make the reproccer work right, make our own post reproccer patches, or wait for others to do it for us.

Edited by sekkusu
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Well, I'll stick to it, in that case, and install the patches you suggested. I'll leave IA how it is for the moment. It still throws an error when I rebuild my bashed patch, but according to the info page on the Nexus, that's to be expected.


I'd already tried validating my install files through Steam after uninstalling Hialgoboost and it didn't work, but I'll try again.


Thanks for all your help, guys. I really appreciate it. I love Skyrim and I'm glad the mod community is still going strong. I would be lost without these troubleshooting forums.

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