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Farm Life


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With any fall of civilization, if we are to survive we have to stop being an industrial or service based society, and immediately go back to being an agricultural based society. Previous stores of food WILL run out.


There are no functioning farms in the game. And this is 200 years after the fall of civilization.


Here's a thought: What about a mod that takes one of the destroyed farms, and allows the player to rebuild it?


Not an armed compound with turrets and such, but a ramshackle farm that is half rebuilt.


Brahmin, crop fields, and a hog pen with non-aggressive mole rats inside it. Fences, barn, main player house, some outbuildings and a bunkhouse for the farmhands.


The ability to hire several farmhands (armed with decent rifles/shotguns and fair skill, not soldiers, but farmers are NOT stupid.)


A lot of fruits and vegetables are already in the game, I see them on tables at the Rivet City science lab.


Maybe some quests to recover old seeds from a bunker somewhere, the ability to slowly restore the old farmstead.


And I'm going to post this one separately, but why not a couple horses? Even if not ride-able, next to an old plow?


Edit: I did a search and saw that other people posted requests for ride-able horses. So I'm not going to post another one. But if anyone wants to try to take the Oblivion ride-able horses and make them work here, I'll play cheerleader and offer what limited moral support I can.

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I have just started working on this mod right here




The whole idea is to have a town that is 100% sustainable without haveing to scavenge the Wasteland, so it will have at least a Farm and Brahmin, and I am hopeing hourses and chickens if I can figure it out


I am building some new items and furniture and such for the town, and am going to put the town together once I figure out what exactly is going to be needed


I was hopeing to start a brainstorming discussion, but that really hasn't worked out completly



but if you are interested in helping me, all you need is two things


1. A brain


2. A Keyboard


and a guess you would need hands in order to type your ideas... but if you could type this I guess that is already covered



All I need is people that will throw out some ideas, read other peoples ideas, and respond to those people ideas...



Once I get all the brainstorming done and get the town put together, it will be 100x more likely that I can get some people to help me get the plant growth scripts and stuff to work, and if not, I am sure I could figure it out


This is a long term mod, so it won't be done too soon, but anything you can do to help would be appreciated would be great

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This is a long term mod, so it won't be done too soon, but anything you can do to help would be appreciated would be great


I have been asked to do some brainstorming on cowboy costumes and weapons in hopes to spark some inspired modding. I suggested expanding my farm idea into a functioning ranch, with cowboys, etc.


(This started by me accidentally posting the wrong photo on one area.)


If you want to read the conversation that started the whole thing, read the comments here:




If I can make a suggestion:


Start out with one thing. A farm or ranch is logical. Make ONE functioning farm or ranch, and submit that mod. THEN start working on the surrounding areas and include the ranch in a later larger mod.


One possibility is start out with the Wasteland Fort mod.




The author gives permission to use it. Quote:



:Permission & Contact:


Feel free to use any ideas/elements of my mod in yours as you see fit. Just please, give credit where credit is due (and send me a message). For all other inquiries, comments, and suggestions for future additions please direct your mail to ([email protected]). Or you can PM me on the forums; I should notice that and reply ASAP.



Remove the turrets, put out barbed wire pastures for Brahmin, a pig pen with mole rats in it, THEN you have a good working start to build off of.


Now if we can get some people to do that (I have no modding skills) we'd add npcs, new clothing, possibly weapons, etc.


But you HAVE GOT to start out basic.


Building block one.


Then expand.


Building block two.


Then expand more.




Yeah, I'm pretty quick to hijack other people's stuff when they give permission to do so.



PS, I sent the guy who did the Wasteland Fort mod a message asking him to look at this thread.

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yes, I am planning on starting out very basic


but I want to have my overall blueprint for my mod first, so that I know where I am going and have a clear plan of attack


I don't want to just start building and realise I didn't leave enough room for something immportant



I just always thought it was a good idea to know where you are going before you start building

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yes, I am planning on starting out very basic


but I want to have my overall blueprint for my mod first, so that I know where I am going and have a clear plan of attack


I don't want to just start building and realise I didn't leave enough room for something immportant



I just always thought it was a good idea to know where you are going before you start building


I agree.


I just downloaded the Wasteland Fort mod and started poking around it. It's in a very remote area with the right kind of terrain around. There's sort of a largish valley with nothing in it to interfere with expansions.


Not saying you SHOULD do this, just a possibility.


The Wasteland Fort would make a pretty good basis for building up on, without having to make too many alterations to it. It already looks more like a farm than a fort, to be honest.


You asked for ideas, this is one approach.


As far as a plant growth idea, you may want to look at the apple tree mod. I haven't played around with that, myself. Just saw it in passing.




Not saying to rip it off, but it's always good to look at how other people do similar things.

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as far as the fort goes, im probly going to be building a lot of objects from scratch, since 3D modeling and texturing is what I do, but I will download the fort later and see it for myself and see what it has to work from


I have no idea of your modeling abilities. I wasn't trying to be offensive. Just throwing out ideas.

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as far as the fort goes, im probly going to be building a lot of objects from scratch, since 3D modeling and texturing is what I do, but I will download the fort later and see it for myself and see what it has to work from


I have no idea of your modeling abilities. I wasn't trying to be offensive. Just throwing out ideas.


I never thought for a moment that you were trying to be offensive


I just figured that you didn't know that I am primarily a 3D modeler


I plan on using a lot of new stuff I make, enstead of using the in game assets, just to give my town a bit of a fresher look to it, since a lot of the furniture and house designs used in the origional game get really old after your 3rd play through

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The Wasteland Fort would make a pretty good basis for building up on, without having to make too many alterations to it. It already looks more like a farm than a fort, to be honest.


That was kind of the idea, that it'd look more or less like a farm that had been converted into a makeshift outpost that one could live in. If I had access to a junked tractor model or something I would've put it in the mod as well to show more of the past of the place, but alas Beth. didn't decide to make one.


The problem with working within the existing wasteland worldspace is that there are not many out of the way locations that havn't already been taken over by something else. I choose that spot as the location for it due to the fact it was one of the few out of the way places I could find and actually expand some in. Sure I could have created my own worldspace, but I'm not too sure how to create them so it'd be hit or miss on the quality.


I like your idea though Oldwolfe and I support it 100%. If there are things that I could do to help just let me know. However my scripting skills are non-existent, I'd be limited to creating the buildings, clutter, navmesh, and lightning. I'd also be limited by the fact I am actually working on a farm and we are just begining harvest. But if I could aid in anyway gimmie a ring and I'll see what I can do.

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The Wasteland Fort would make a pretty good basis for building up on, without having to make too many alterations to it. It already looks more like a farm than a fort, to be honest.


That was kind of the idea, that it'd look more or less like a farm that had been converted into a makeshift outpost that one could live in. If I had access to a junked tractor model or something I would've put it in the mod as well to show more of the past of the place, but alas Beth. didn't decide to make one.


The problem with working within the existing wasteland worldspace is that there are not many out of the way locations that havn't already been taken over by something else. I choose that spot as the location for it due to the fact it was one of the few out of the way places I could find and actually expand some in. Sure I could have created my own worldspace, but I'm not too sure how to create them so it'd be hit or miss on the quality.


I like your idea though Oldwolfe and I support it 100%. If there are things that I could do to help just let me know. However my scripting skills are non-existent, I'd be limited to creating the buildings, clutter, navmesh, and lightning. I'd also be limited by the fact I am actually working on a farm and we are just begining harvest. But if I could aid in anyway gimmie a ring and I'll see what I can do.

if I am not mistaken Oldwolfe was just makeing a request and doesn't actualy plan on makeing it himself (correct me if I am wrong here)


but I could deffinatly use some help on makeing some buildings for farm village


I can even make a tractor model made (can't be any harder than the tank model in my sig), as well as several other new furniture and other models, and if there is anything certain you want I'll see what I can do (we are going to have a farm and a carpenter and mill that sells furniture and all sorts of cool stuff)


Me and the rest of my brainstorming team are still somewhat working out ideas right now, so we can get an overall blueprint working, but if you are interested at all in helping build anything for the town, even if it is just one building, I would greatly appreciate it


if you want to stop by my topic it is here




maybe you could at least help us find a suitable location for our eventual 10 or so buildings and lay out a sort of blueprint or something, I know I want it in the Wasteland worldspace, but I may build it right outside the borders, since there is a mod out there that allows you to go outside the usual game borders

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