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Farm Life


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this is the kind of stuff I will be throwing together to help liven up the little farm town with some fresh 3d models


it is not textured yet, so that is why it doesnt look old and worn, but trust me, it will


but if you are interested I will get to work on that tractor for you

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Woodrat! Thank you so much for replying!




if I am not mistaken Oldwolfe was just makeing a request and doesn't actualy plan on makeing it himself (correct me if I am wrong here)


Correct Tony.


I don't really have the skills to do much of this myself. I'm sort of seeing if I can organize some people into making this post-holocaust cowboy ranch idea work. Think of me as a project coordinator. If you don't mind, and you like my ideas. (I'm retired in real life and have the time to fiddle with trying to organize and coordinate somewhat.)


I guess if Woodrat is willing to make a 2nd version of his fort called "Wasteland Ranch", then I'll see if I can coordinate some things around it.


I can even make a tractor model


Tony, that would be WONDERFUL! Since it can't actually run, rusted and with grass growing up through it would be best.


maybe you could at least help us find a suitable location for our eventual 10 or so buildings and lay out a sort of blueprint or something


Woodrat did a great job of finding a place for his Wasteland Fort. Honestly, it meets the needs you are talking about. I'll take some screenshots for you. And it is inside the Wasteland, not outside of it. Pretty central, actually. Not far from Lucky's store or Tenpenny Tower.


After I finish this posting, I'll go take some screenshots so you can see how nice the area would be for your town.






I like your idea though Oldwolfe and I support it 100%. If there are things that I could do to help just let me know. However my scripting skills are non-existent, I'd be limited to creating the buildings, clutter, navmesh, and lightning.


Thank you for your support.


I'd also be limited by the fact I am actually working on a farm and we are just begining harvest. But if I could aid in anyway gimmie a ring and I'll see what I can do.


I understand, I grew up on a small cattle ranch, and currently live among the Indian Reservations in Oklahoma. I remember haying time quite well.




My personal idea involves:


Step 1) First a few building/structure changes to the Wasteland Fort and naming your fort #2, Wasteland Ranch. (this you say you can easily do, despite farm work time restrictions. we can be patient)


Step 2) Once we have the "Look" of the place set up, which is probably one of the easier things to do, with your beautiful fort as a framework, we start adding to it. Livestock, dogs, farmhands, etc. I'd like to import items from other mods, such as older weapons for the NPCs. The Winchester 1887 shotgun, the Revolving Rifle, etc. Add ranch specific clothing with a post-holocaust "cowboy" look. Maybe add a few guards with variations on the old cavalry uniforms.


Step 3) Put in a merchant that sells all the weapons and clothing we added to the mod.


Step 4) Once we have all those in place, do a version that starts out stripped down. No external fence, etc. And works upwards with quests. Going someplace to hire farmhands. Going to gather Brahmin. (The great Brahmin drive maybe?) Finding and domesticating mole rats. Spending money to add fencing. Repair buildings. This would mean after we get the finished version architecture of the ranch done, you'd have to do more dilapidated versions of the buildings. For the "build upwards" process.


Step 5) This is the very last thing probably, and maybe not even doable. Rideable horses.


I know for a fact my thoughts exceed my reach as far as my personal abilities go. So, we start out with step 1, and see how much interest we generate.






My thoughts on conversions for you, if you are willing:


1) Change the landing pad into a hog pen area.


2) Rename the barracks building to "Bunkhouse".


3) Rename the armory to "Workshop".


4) Completely remove the gun turrets and the trailer for it.


(Those are the quick changes. A bit more work is probably required for the next ones.)


5) Put a barn outside the fenced area. Put out barbed wire fencing for the Brahmin.


6) Put a windmill in the brahmin pasture, churning water into a tub.


7) Turn one of the sandbagged guard posts into a chicken coop.


8 ) Add some decorative meshes that I am going to make an open request for anyone who wants to contribute. Like the tractor that Tiger says he'd be willing to do.


That would probably finish the initial conversion from fort to ranch.

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Here's my idea for your town-site. I hope it meets the requirements you were looking for.



This next picture is a little deceptive. There's more flat room to the left of the view. I just wanted the ranch in the picture as an area reference.





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if you could post some pictures of what exactly you are looking for uniform wise, I could draw out some concepts for you. Pictures are a very valuable resource for comeing up with ideas


though I am also from Oklahoma, I am not exactly familiar with western style outfits or anything farm or ranch related... I've lived in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Arizona, but have always been in the largest city of that state... never really spent any time in the real countryside


but anyways, this is what I threw together real fast as a starting concept








these were not drawn attemting to be western style




But anyways, if you havn't heard of the game Harvest Moon 64, you might find it a bit interesting, it is an old game, but if download a Nintendo 64 emulator (lets you play Nintendo 64 games on your PC) and then the ROM for the game, you can play it for free. I am baseing most of my stuff off of the gameplay from that game


Harvest Moon Rom -



Nintendo 64 Emulator -






and on the space for the town, I know where that is, and I will go over there on my game right now, may take me a few minutes and I'll tell you what I think

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well... I don't think a Night in shining armor really fits in to well on a Ranch...


Okay, changed the sample artwork pic to something slightly more applicable to the world in general. My intent was only to say, I can draw costumes with pen and paper when the time comes.


I have absolutely no ability or skill to do them with meshes and textures, though. So they're gonna be fairly useless except as concept drawings.




Did you like the area I was proposing for your town?

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I created a file on Fallout 3 Nexus to manage the construction of this project. A place where we can post messages, and upload files to share resources as we build it.




If you want to do a search for it, it's called: Agricultural Community


Tony, Woodrat:


If I did it right you both have editing/uploading privileges on the Agricultural Community area.



Also, you can use the comments area for saying things like, "I made this mesh if someone wants to texture it," etc.

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well... I don't think a Night in shining armor really fits in to well on a Ranch...


Okay, changed the sample artwork pic to something slightly more applicable to the world in general. My intent was only to say, I can draw costumes with pen and paper when the time comes.


I have absolutely no ability or skill to do them with meshes and textures, though. So they're gonna be fairly useless except as concept drawings.




Did you like the area I was proposing for your town?


do you think you could take that first picture I put up here, and design something really cool and western for that red part in the back, mabe some cool symbols or something for the armor as well, though I have come to like the armor design bit


I just threw those together in 5 minutes or so, and havn't got around to doing a full concept for it


(the red part on the left of the picture shouldn't start till below the belt... didn't even realise I messed that up... mabe I should slow down...)

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