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I want to play as a BARD but like fully fleshed out i guess


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with a skill perk tree, instrument combat and of course playing music with instruments maybe even throw in combat songs that will unleash spell effects from the instrument that are already in game such as the destruction magic and illusion spells alteration conjuration and restoration


also if is a combo of mods that already do this could possibly link ?

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Well, there's this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9375/?

I've been using it for a long time now. It allows you, the player, to play instruments and sing the vanilla bard songs as well as custom ones you can set by yourself (this is explained on the mod's site).

You also gain speechcraft experience when performing in front of an audience (for example, in an inn). The audience reacts to your performance by applauding, giving tips, offering you a drink, etc.

There's also sort of a combat feature which you mentioned; you can play battle instruments that encourage your followers or dishearten your foes :)

Take a look!

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