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Unhiding omods - The Effects of Hidden omods

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First of all, what are the effects of hiding particular omods in the Oblivion Mod Manager? I'm aware that it prevents the software from detecting any conflicts the mod may have, but does this prevent the mod from functioning altogether?


Also, how does one go about 'unhiding' a mod? Or, is doing so even necessary?


Thanks in advance!

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Alright, I found my answer. Apparently, once you open the Hidden omod list, the highlighted omods are the ones that remain hidden. In order to 'unhide' them, one must simply 'deselect' one of the omods.


I was going completely backwards, thinking that you needed to select them instead.


To those that looked at my post, I appreciate your doing so! :D


Still, anyone able to explain the purpose of hiding omods? Thanks

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i think hiding them is simply to do with conflict detection, so that when they are hidden, OBMM wont actually waste any resources for checking them for conflicts, I assume that is all it does from what I can see
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