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Change the crosshair position?


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So well, thats my first post, so please excuse me if i chose the wrong forum.^^

I'm frustrated due playing FNV by a little tricky issue, that makes me bad - it's the crosshair position in the game. The crosshair does not fit the point you shoot to, it's aside a few points to high in firstperson and to the left side in thirdperson. It's not of the mods i have installed (for ex. 1st person accuracy fix, eve, ahud, ihud a.s.o.), because i've tested it without any mods.

It's not a large difference and you can aim besides to adjust, but it's not accurate and it makes me crazy^^ - so i looked for a fix or any solution for this, but had found nothing.

So, where is set the position of the crosshair? Please, i don't like to install a huge mod to fix this, just change this tricky position.

Anyone knows? :smile:

Edited by diavlo1983
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