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Help Scripting A Ghoul Character


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I need help scripting for A ghoul playthrough, I already have the turning into a ghoul script done and have made A new faction for true ghoul playthrough of BoS not particularly liking me, feral ghouls do not attack. Still need to do healed by radiation.


What I need help with is making the game recognize new actor effects, Mainly: That I NEED radiation in order to stay alive, When I lose all rads I start to lose health, and the disease effect with rads to be in reverse.

How Would I even go about doing this? I have tried to make new forms of the rads but they just stack on one another and it has just become A jumbled mess. If someone could help me out that would be freakin amazing. Thanks in advance!

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If It Helps, this is what I have so far. Guys I desperately need help. Anyone whom can help will get a special thanks.

scn GhoulifiedScript

short startup
short add
short doOnce
short rads
float Timer

begin GameMode
	if (startup == 1)
		set rads to (getbuttonpressed * 200 + 200)
		set startup to 2
	elseif (rads == 0)
		showmessage GhoulifiedStartMSG
		set startup to 1
	set add to player.getav radiationrads
	if (player.getav radiationrads >= rads)
		set GhoulifiedRads to GhoulifiedRads + add
	elseif (player.getav radiationrads < rads)
		set GhoulifiedRads to 0
	if (GhoulifiedRads >= 100000 && doOnce == 0)
		set Timer to 10
		set doOnce to 1
		player.addscriptpackage MQ08PlayerFallsDownPackage

	if (Timer <= 5 && doOnce == 1)
		set doOnce to 2
		IMod FadeToBlackISFX

	if (Timer <= 0 && doOnce == 2) 
		set doOnce to 2
		player.matchrace GobRef
		setAlly playerFaction FeralGhoulFaction 1 1
		player.addperk Ghoulified
		showmessage GhoulifiedMSG
		stopquest GhoulifiedQuest
		set Timer to ( Timer - GetSecondsPassed )
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Please use this to verify what your doing (http://www.cipscis.com/fallout/utilities/validator.aspx )

in the bottom window, mouse over the lines of instructions slowly, allow the script engine "There" to see the text and determine if it is Void or not. study the issue first hand.

there are two ways to read or type the script out.


I have it in that window and I found Void ref in it.

I found two warnings about GhoulifiedRads not being declared in the script and not set as a global variable.


Edited by Purr4me
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