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Retail DOA Ultimate Edition installation mangled by EA Origin DAO Ulti

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Ok, lots going on there. And the fact that you don't have the discs (nor, I presume, an external backup) makes a complete roll-back to the previous state almost impossible.




a) Your product code is recorded on the EA servers, and you can see it by right-clicking on the game title in EA/Origin and choosing "View Game Details".


b) You'll be fine adding the "missing" mods individually. DAO does not have a "load order" the way TES games do.


c) NMM should work fine for you. But be aware that even NMM can't handle ALL types of mods for DAO. (Just for example: A ".zip" file that contains two variations of the same mod. NMM doesn't have any idea which one you might want to install.)


d) Unless you had "Improved Atmosphere" (or perhaps there are other, much more obscure mods that behave this way) installed, you can safely choose "Force Load" to start playing any previous save. Then make a new save immediately!


The worst that will happen is that if any item or appearance mods that were installed when the save was made aren't available, those things will disappear. So you characters may be naked, or missing their hair! Your previous "save" file won't be touched.


Lastly, if you used to start the game with a desktop shortcut to the program "DAOriginsLauncher.exe", you may not be able to now. EA has been removing the Launcher from all BioWare games over the past several months. You can still use the "Config" program, but not the Launcher.


Let us know how you make out.


Good Luck! :thumbsup:

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