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Loading only the Plugins to make translating easier


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Hi! I was wondering if its possible to just load the Plugin file in the Creation Kit.

I ask this because I would like to translate a lot of the mods I'm playing with from English to German.

My Problem is that it's not only time-consuming but also difficult on many mods to find what has been changed exactly^^


Of course it's easy with mods that come with one Armor package to find these parts but on the most mods it's quite difficult.


So anybody can help me out a bit?

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If it doesnt load the files it is dependant on the CK will erase the items that are in the dependant file from the mod. Better to use Tes5edit to see everything thats changed and maybe use that to translate.


If you want to remove Hearthfire items from a mod, remove the hearthfires dependancy, open in the CK then save. Done all hearthfires items instantly removed from the mod permanently. Thats what would happen if you loaded just the mods .esp file in the CK.

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Use TES5Edit: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/?

When you launch it will ask you to select the plugins, just right click on the list and select none then tick the plugin for the mod you want to translate/edit or whatever and hit ok.

On the left you will see the name of your plugin file, click on the little + next to it and you will get a list of each form type that was either added or edited by the plugin. Expand the list by clicking on + for the form type you are searching for and you will see each form of that type (e.g weapon, message, actor etc.) that was either added or edited by the mod. You can either edit the text in TES5Edit or take the editor id (the name it is referred to in the CK) and search for it in the CK and edit it there.

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