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ID of mod items and perks


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First of all I would like to say hi to all members of the Nexus forum as this is my first post. As you can see I am new to this forum and the game of Fallout. I have downloaded a few mods from this site a few days back and I have a question regarding the base ID of the new items and perks added in these mods. Is there any way I can retrieve these ID?


To be specific I have listed here a list of mods I downloaded:


Weapon Mod Kits: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3388


Ultimate Perk Pack: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1409


Better Living Through Chems: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1745


Any help provided will be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance! :D

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theres a few ways you can find the ID codes of the items within the mods. Ill list three that i know of.

first of all, know that the id code is in 2 sections, the first is a 3-digit sequence that indicates which mod the item is in. 000 is vanilla (regular fallout3 stuff). The remaining numbers and letters refer to the object or entity itself.

The first three digits will change depending on the load order of the mods.


001 would be the first mod the game loads in your mod load order when you first start the game.

002 is the second, and so on...


so therefor, if you load a certain mod first and find an item with IDcode 001432DC, then you bump that mod down to load second instead, the same items ID code would now be 002432DC (001-->002)



Method1: FOMM

Download and install the Fallout Mod Manager. With that, it will detect any mods you have and you can choose your load order etc.

When your order is how you want it you can inspect each mod in detail. It will give you a list of all the mods contents, including the ID codes for most items. The id codes change if you play with your load order (the first three digits anyways)

Fallout Mod Manager is a great program to have, it should be what you load Fallout3 with, dont bother with the Fallout3Launcher, FOMM can load the game for you and retail your mod choices too. FOMM also does other nifty stuff if you ever get into modding...


Other methods:

In GECK, load up all the data files you will be using when you play, in the order they appear, preferably.

GECK Method1:

in the objects list, click and hover your mouse on any item in the list, and within a second or two you will see a small text box popup telling you the Id code, ie. 0010DF36 or such.

GECK Method2:

click on any item in the objects list and right click to open its properties. usually the ID code appears in that window along the top of the new popup telling you which item it is.

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