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Skyrim crashing as I get near the companions fighting giant


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i have the same problem. it's one month that i try to resolve. this happen always, with any mod. skytest, skyre, obis, sands of time, dual sheath etc.

i have reinstall many many times, i have spent many many many (...) hours to try to fix this. it works only with a clean vanilla game and unofficial patch at most. Now i'm broke. i refrain to comment on the poor job of those who made the game. how to add some scripts, the game start to bursting.

The only solution (for me, clearly), it's to disable all plugin then eneble them after that zone/quest (hoping to not corrupt the saves). however, is it not said that it's over, many time i CTD near jorrvask...............................even if i have to specify which loads the engine more, this becames unstable and easy to ctd. many times i see some specific npc take the fly to the stars, or disappear but with the sound present (solved with console, prid refid) etc etc etc. and the future? T.E.S.O. or E.S.O. or LESO (like "damaged", the translation from italian does not make good sense). "beep!" bethesda.

for zeus, how is it possibile to release a game unfinished and unstable, leaving all work to modders? at least a little support with some patch...

it's a shame. really.

As a log of that same damn problem for SE notes, there's multiple cells cornering each other with this scripted pain in the ass sitting right there. Know what I want? A mod that disables the whole damn thing.

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