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Better Vampires no "Follow me" option


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Hello! I've searched for answers as to why there in no follow me options to NPC's I turn into a vampire. Most of the time it works, I use praestare Vampire power then feed, and I get the follow me option(Occasionally) and they follow me. But, that isn't my problem, my problem is that once I give them a home with "My home is your home" mod and part ways with them, when I return, the follow me option is gone, it's really irritating! For example, I fed on J'darr the Khajit in Alfthand I believe, and he followed me perfectly all the way up until I part ways with him, I knew there might've been a problem so after I did a few quests I came back to see if I was gonna have a problem getting him to follow me again, and I got my wish.... I haven't found an answer to this, I looked in the F.A.Q for Better Vampires and what was said in the F.A.Q wasn't my problem, because he followed me before, and was able to use all the UFO aspects as well. Can someone please help me? I've been having this problem for a few months, and it only ever worked perfectly one time, and I haven't even added any mods since then so I don't know what's wrong.... Thank You so much in Advanced!

P.S I know someone is gonna tell me that this should be on the mod page, but for some reason every time I try posting anything on any mod page, it gives an infinite loading sign and my post never makes it through... looked for an answer for that as well.... but of course...... nothing..... It seems like I am the only one who gets these problems :down:

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I really need help, I also have some new information that might help. When I use the praestare Vampire on my follower(Jordis) after she died, she got resurrected but when I spoke to her she just says her normal "Honor to you my Thane" but there is no "Follow me" option and she just walks away, the reason why this might be useful info is because Jordis has a follower voice so that couldn't be the case. So please someone help!

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  • 1 year later...

Hello! I've searched for answers as to why there in no follow me options to NPC's I turn into a vampire. Most of the time it works, I use praestare Vampire power then feed, and I get the follow me option(Occasionally) and they follow me. But, that isn't my problem, my problem is that once I give them a home with "My home is your home" mod and part ways with them, when I return, the follow me option is gone, it's really irritating! For example, I fed on J'darr the Khajit in Alfthand I believe, and he followed me perfectly all the way up until I part ways with him, I knew there might've been a problem so after I did a few quests I came back to see if I was gonna have a problem getting him to follow me again, and I got my wish.... I haven't found an answer to this, I looked in the F.A.Q for Better Vampires and what was said in the F.A.Q wasn't my problem, because he followed me before, and was able to use all the UFO aspects as well. Can someone please help me? I've been having this problem for a few months, and it only ever worked perfectly one time, and I haven't even added any mods since then so I don't know what's wrong.... Thank You so much in Advanced!



P.S I know someone is gonna tell me that this should be on the mod page, but for some reason every time I try posting anything on any mod page, it gives an infinite loading sign and my post never makes it through... looked for an answer for that as well.... but of course...... nothing..... It seems like I am the only one who gets these problems :down:

I'm having exactly the same problem, have you found a solution?

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