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dual wield mod request


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So I had a new idea for a dual wield mod. I know the game mechanics make changing them difficult, and it's a little over my head, but I thought I'd throw this out there anyway.

Idea: a sword and dagger, or dagger dagger setup that would be halfway between true dual wield and a shield setup. For the most part daggers would act like a wielded torch - able to block and bash. Even use the same animation. The block wouldn't be as good as a shield but the bash would have a 50% interrupt chance and a 30% bleed chance... Or something like that. A main hand power attack would launch the dual wield power attack. I see it as more strategy, risk/reward setup, that would role play something like a fencer. Something for those rogues that feel weird lugging around a shield...

I have no idea if this is possible with the game engine, but I thought I'd share in case someone had interest in making it happen. Thanks y'all.

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