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Blender nif export missing Uv maps


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As the title says, any time I export my model as a fallout 3 model and open it in nifSkope I am missing my UV maps.


I used the tutorial and updated Nifscope, python nifscrips pyffi.


Now when I export, even previously made models for Fo3 or NV that worked and that I have previously released to the the community will be missing UV maps in the .nif it creates and the nif file has absolutely no nodes with any material information. Going through the tutorial a lot of the drop downs I would need to modify are grayed out and I can not modify them.




Any idea why this is happening? I don't even know if I can track down the old versions of Nifskope nifscrips to put blender back into working order to make Fallout mods.

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