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CTD when loading another save :(


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Oblivion has been running fine for about 2 weeks until today it started CTDing when I tried to load another save or exit to main menu. I don't use quicksaves and this problem is affecting all of my saves/characters. The game will load the first file I pick upon start up but after that it's CTD time. I use BOSS and I don't have any warnings or errors popping up on it. Here is a link to my last BOSS run file:///E:/Steam/SteamApps/common/Skyrim/Oblivion/BOSSlog.html. The only things I have changed recently has been moving Better Cities Full esp and its addon files to the bottom of the load order, but it is supposed to be down there according to a notification I got in game....Anyways I'm at a loss and any help or suggestions would be great!!! I noticed some other people having this issue but at least on the posts I was reading I didnt have any of the mods they said were causing their CTDs



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