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Chainmail texture problem: invisible stuff


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Hello, I've just downloaded the Chainmail Texture Resource from Tesnexus, to put them as a retex for some armor. I've downloaded the normal maps that fit together with the textures. For example, I've converted the chainmail_mithril.jpg to chainmail_mithril.dds , chainmail_mithril_normals.jpg to chainmail_mithril_n.dds and used them in NifSkope to apply on a part of a mithril cuirass. Only, in game, the retextured part of the armor is invisible, while the other parts of the cuirass are still visible.

Can somebody help?

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It seems the normal map is all right, I used the default mithril texture with the new normal map and everything showed up o.k. so it's the base texture that doesn't seem right. Maybe i dont get this stuff if i download tga files instead of jpegs. btw: is there some kind of tutorial about this compression thing? i dont get the hang of this.
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I've found the problem: the name of my texture was chainmail_mithril.dds and probably oblivion recognises an underscore as a property of the file. so the name must be: chainmailmithril.dds or something like that. problem solved.
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