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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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Ok, the goal of this mod is to create a town in the Wasteland that you will actually want to go home to and will change and grow as the Lone Wanderer does. It will include dynamic and changeing NPCs and a handful of new quests.




The town will include the following




* An upgradeable house for your player, where you can buy additions and furniture, and everything you buy will add to you well rested bonus for sleeping in that house


* A small farm outside, where you can plant food to heal you, cure radiation, give you power effects, or you can sell for money


* Another small feild where you can raise animals you buy or find in the Wasteland, milk Brahmin or eat them. I will add Wasteland Hourses if I can figure it out


* Eight Characters that you can have a relationship with. 5 girls, 3 guys, and 2 of the girls will be swing both ways :wink: for all the guys that play as girls


* The ability to advance the relationship by talking to them often and bringing them back gifts you find on your travels


* All the relationship characters could be used as unique companions with unique skills


* The town will have a Tavern, General Store, and Barber (eventually I will add my own custom Hairstyles to this barber)


* A carpenter that will add stuff to your house, and sell furniture, which you can upgrade you Tennpenny or Megaton house, and possibly even places like the Citadel


* A handful of new furniture and other accessory and clothing meshes designed by me specificaly for this mod


* A blacksmith that will can take unwanted guns, bullets, and scrap and recycle it into stuff you actualy use (similar to the Pit, just a lot more conveneint)



If you join the town and help them out by completing quests, donating money, and protecting them from Super Mutant attacks, then the town will become better off. I plan on makeing at least 3 different stages of textures and meshes that will change after so many good things you do. So eventualy the town will go from being run down to being in pretty decent shape (considering it is in the middle of a freaken Wasteland)


The town will have a wall protecting it, and it will every once in a while get attacked by Raiders, Super Mutants, Enclave, and crazy animals. Small attacks can easily be handled by the gaurds, but if a big attack is comeing, the watchman will radio you in time to come protect the town. You can upgrade the wall by adding turrets, and also fix the broken robots in the town, that can be used to help you defend.


I may even get my M41 Walker Bulldog tank (in my sig) textured and working, and if so, I will have it be the primary deffense for the town.




The plan for this mod



Ok, so now you have read through my ambitious ideas, and if you havn't given up reading yet, I assume you are interested in how exactly I plan on pulling off such a complex idea.


That is an easy question to answer, I will do it one step at a time.


The fact is, I am in no hurry, I don't expect this to be done tommorow, or this month, or even this year. But I will keep following my blueprint and do each step as it needs done untill I reach the end result.


The first step is the most simple yet most immportant step of all, and it also just so happens to be the one that anyone and everyone can help on, and that is brainstorming. Most mods never get made because people have a great idea, but it is way to broad to ever be made. I just need to narrow things down, so that


"I want to grow food"




"I will need to make a script that will have certain areas of the ground outside of my house be able to hold seeds that you find or buy. Once you put the seed in the ground it will in 1 day be replaced with a sprout mesh, then the next day turn into an almost grown plant mesh, and then the final day the plant will be replaced with a full grown plant mesh that will function as a container and you can open it to pick your fruit"




"I want a town that you can live in and it can be upgraded"




"I am going to build a town that has 1 Mayors House, 1 Mill, 1 Blacksmith, 3 Regular houses.... ext. And when you donate 1000 bottle caps and complete 3 quests it will trigger a script that will replace the old broken meshes with the new ones"


so now on to the most immportant part of this topic








Ok, so you need a blueprint before you begin to build a house, right? so, why should a mod be any different. Know what you are going to build before you build it.


so, here is a list of things you can do to help me (anyone who helps in the brainstorming will get credited in the finished mod as part of the brainstorming team)


* Read my ideas for the mod and tell me what you do and don't like about them


* Tell us your story ideas or character ideas or whatever other ideas, so we can disscuss them


* Expand on other peoples ideas to hopefully make them better


* Post pictures of things you want to see in the mod, take pictures with your own camera or just search the net, either one is good


* Make you own concpet art, no matter how poorly drawn it is (I myself will be putting up quick 5 minute drawings that are quite bad quality, but good for brainstorming)


* Go in the game and take screenshots of where you think stuff should be, or make a map for the layout of buildings


Or, anything else you can think of is also welcome




What I will do



So now I assume you are wondering what exactly I will be doing other than just throwing around ideas...


Well, I am primarily a 3D Modeler and Texturer, and my first task is going to be makeing new furniture and other static objects that will be exclusive to this mod. I want this town to be a little more unique then the other generic houses around the wasteland that are all filled with the same furniture and stuff. This will give the town a much fresher look than the stale and overused items world. I am also going to be makeing tractors and such, and possibly upgradeing my tank if someone can help me get it working at least as a stationary turret or something.


As my skills immprove I will be designing all new outfits for the town, at least 2 outfits for each of the girls you can have a relationship with (probly more if possible, and they will wear different stuff during different times) I may even make a custom body mesh with custom underwear and everything for each one, some being skinny and some being more curvey and such.


I also plan on makeing unique hairstyles for each girl, mabe even two for each if I really get into it, and some custom hairs for you character as well that will only be available in the town.


I also want to build a hourse model if someone is able to get it playable as a ridable companion or something.


But as soon as I get the brainstorming to an acceptable place, I plan on putting the whole town together with the new parts and all.




What I hope will happen then




So, once I get all these nice new meshes into the game, and new textures for the houses and new outfits and hair for the characters, it should look quite nice.


With a clearly written blueprint for what I need script and geck wise to go with the beutiful town, people will be 100x more likely to help make the scripts come to life. I hope people will see my complete levels and character and offer to help finish the thing out.


If they don't... well, then I will just end up turning it into another Megaton that stays the same no matter what you do in the game (not counting the bomb...)


But that wouldn't really bother me, I want to make this mod as motivation to get me to practice my 3D moddeling, so I can push my skills to the next level. So even if this mod doesn't turn out, at least I will have immproved my moddeling and texturing, and you guys will have a new but empty town you can download...





but anyways, on the ranch side of things, I am currently working with Oldwolfe to see if we can get the ranch working, then I can incorporate that into the rest of the town. The link to that topic is right here




I also have a topic about programming possibilities trying to see what exactly would be possible to do in the mod. It is right here




If you want to read through my old topic, it is here







And for anyone that has actually read this far, I thank you for you time, and I double thank anyone that is willing to help me with anything, even just small ideas




And one last thing, if you want to disscuss ideas on MSN messenger, my account is [email protected]

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Now for me to start off the brainstorming


I will start by recapping what was going on in old topic I had


1. The Couches I modeled but havn't textured yet. They will be broken latter on, but I need a nice clean model to work down from, as apposed to trying to fix a broken one








Im going to texture the leather similar to this






worn out, but less grimmy than the default Fallout 3 stuff, for a more home like feel


2. Some character concept work I threw together real fast, they are sloppy 5 minute sketches, but they should convey the idea











3. The girls are going to be loosly based off of Harvest Moon characters and will be possible companions


Karen - Security gaurd, standard shoot people up companion, likes it when you bring her good armor and weapons, hates bad quality guns


Popari - Runs the General Store, as a companion she ups you Barter skill and can search the area you are in and get a lot of rare items and bottlecaps, some items that won't be able to be found in the vanilla game will only be available from her, she likes pretty things


Ann - Daughter of the other rancher in the town, sells livestock, as a companion she gives you animal freind and can summon animals to fight for you


Maria - Runs the library and is very knowlegable on repairing weapons and armor. As a companion she keeps your weapons in good shape and allows you to make workbench items anywhere, likes it when you bring her blueprint or books


Elli - The town baker, she functions as a sort of white mage, she heals you and gives you power effects from her food. She likes fresh bakeing supplies


4. The barber will be a Super Mutant like Fawkes, that will every once in a while give you the wrong cut, and if you are brave enough you can confront him about it, but he is very intimidating, but overall a nice guy. Mabe he will act all intimadating, but if you insult his haircutting skills he will run off crying... that might be quite funny :biggrin:







but anyways


feel free to throw out whatever ideas you have, I will put a topic out if that helps you, but you don't have to limit your discussion to that







Topic #1 What Buildings Should be in the Town


I am thinking about 10 buildings


- Mayor House / Office

- Tavern / Bakery

- Blacksmith

- Carpenter

- Animal Supplies

- General Store

- Barber

- 3 Houses

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Looks very good. Just from the way you wrote this impressive post i can see your a driven modder :biggrin:


Especially enjoy the furniture you made. Looks great


On the note of buildings. Perhaps make a house where u can pay ladies/(ghouls?) for.. special actions. U know what i mean, Cuz who doesent like skimpy ladies who talk dirty. I know i do :thumbsup:


Or perhaps a gambeling den. Filled with strange/dangerous/crazy gamblers. Who would do nothing rather then pull out they're 9mm's and shatter your brains all over the wall.


Depending on what kind of theme your going for. You could make this a bit of a secret. Like a hidden basement?


Or, In the theme of Adville (not sure if it was called that) One of the families should have a dark secret. Cannibles anyone? If they were ghouls that would be so great. I loved it ingame when i noticed the shed was filled with body parts. Then, i knew the real story behind the jolly townies of Adville


U might have noticed these things all relate to being evil. But then again. Isent that what Fallout 3 is all about :biggrin:


Hope this has got some idea's snowballing. GL. And have fun!

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Looks very good. Just from the way you wrote this impressive post i can see your a driven modder :biggrin:


Especially enjoy the furniture you made. Looks great


On the note of buildings. Perhaps make a house where u can pay ladies/(ghouls?) for.. special actions. U know what i mean, Cuz who doesent like skimpy ladies who talk dirty. I know i do :thumbsup:


Or perhaps a gambeling den. Filled with strange/dangerous/crazy gamblers. Who would do nothing rather then pull out they're 9mm's and shatter your brains all over the wall.


Depending on what kind of theme your going for. You could make this a bit of a secret. Like a hidden basement?


Or, In the theme of Adville (not sure if it was called that) One of the families should have a dark secret. Cannibles anyone? If they were ghouls that would be so great. I loved it ingame when i noticed the shed was filled with body parts. Then, i knew the real story behind the jolly townies of Adville


U might have noticed these things all relate to being evil. But then again. Isent that what Fallout 3 is all about :biggrin:


Hope this has got some idea's snowballing. GL. And have fun!


Im not sure if I want to go with the brothel idea, since a big part of the mod has to do with trying to have a relationship with the girls in the town. I would like to make it possible to invite the girls over to your house or go to their house and have sex, but if thier was a brothel right next door, then why even try to have a relationship when you can just shell out some caps and not have to work for it...


But I do like the gambeling house, I'll see what I can do with that idea

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while i was reading your new thread here, one small idea popped into my mind.

maybe there could be a new caravan trader, that once befriended, will show up in your town every x number of days, and purchase your extra crops from you, a la harvest moon.


ive also started on a potbellied stove and ox yoke for the town/ranch

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just messing with some stuff


anyone want a corner couch or antything like that?



but yes, it would be cool to have a trader come through and then buy up you food to sell around the Wasteland, mabe he will live in the town for 3 days and then take a 3 day trip and then live in the town for another 3


or mabe he could be a robot or goul, or mabe even an intelligent deathclaw, though, I guess the Capitol Wasteland doesn't have any of those... I just wanted to see a Deathclaw in a wearing a tie and top hat...


or he could just be human

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Yes indeed, A brothel would kinda rule out the entire relationship factor. But it could also make a fun dynamic. What would your girlfriend do if she has heard of the other townies that uve been having ''actions'' with the pleasure ladies.


Perhaps pull out a rolling pin and beat you senceless? Or hire a assasin to have u ''Whacked''


But yes this all depends on the type of theme your going for.



Perhaps a crazy lady is in order. Or a village idiot? Whos drunk all day.. And.. drunk some more during the night :biggrin:



Also i have always enjoyed vampires. In what ever game they come from. this infact includes undead, (zombies,ghouls,abominations). the likes, Perhaps ya could make a new race. And dub it vampire? Or perhaps have a human by day. But ghoul by night :biggrin:


Let your minds rome free.



-much love Syprus-

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