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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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thats crazy!

but why would his have old guns and cavalry uniforms, those are all like 400 years old!


Well the simple thing is, it is his mod, and I don't want my crazy ideas to conflict with the theme and atmosphere he is going for, so I am just going to take the buildings and furniture and wagon wheels, as well as the stuff for the carpenter and blacksmith and everything else like that, and transfer it over to his world, but leave out the stuff he doesn't like.


I was origionaly planning to build only one town to be put in his worldspace, but I was assumeing he was going for an all out Wild West, Hang em High, The Good the Bad and the Ugly type of mod. But he decided to set the mod in the Bull Run area, which is southern style, and while my meshes and textures and wagons and tractors will all work just fine, my characters and stuff no longer really fit as well.


But I am still working with him on his mod, just haveing an alternate town of my own, where I can make it closer to Fallout lore and stuff. But I still beleive we both benifit from working together

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My first complex character description :biggrin:


tell me what you think




Karen is pretty much your loner type character. She sets up a front as a rude, bad girl character to keep people at a distance. She acts tough and a bit like a whiney emo girl that doesn't like much of anything, but that is really because she is afraid to open up to people. She doesn't want to be hurt again. Every time before when she cared about someone they ended up dieing or leaving her alone.


The biggest factor in this is that her parents and big sister died when she was about 12 or so, before that she was pretty normal. She says she hates them for leaveing her and joining up with the Brotherhood of Steel (they were former members, left for several years to settle down, but returned to the Brotherhood when they desperately needed help) Her sister went along with her parents. She says they betrayed her by leaving her alone, but really, she deeply admires them for what they did, but is overcome with sadness that they are dead. One of her quests will probly be to recover the holotags of her parents and information on how they died.


Karen makes more than enough money being a waitress at the bar at nights, but she still spends most of her days working as a security gaurd, not because she needs to, but because she feels obligated too. She is really a very careing person deep inside. Though she says she hates the people of the town, she would put her life on the line to save them. If you talk to the young girl in the town, she will tell you of the time she wandered off, and Karen was the one that came out and saved her from a group of raiders that had captured her. You will never hear this story from Karen, but if you talk to the girl you will get the option to ask Karen about it, and she will try to avoid the subject.


You can also find Karen out at night on the hill behind the city. She is usualy reading, or playing guitar. (if I can get the animation to work sitting down... I can provide the music, I'm out of practice, but really, it is the Wasteland, she wouldn't be too great to begin with with no sort of way to formaly learn) She will never go into the library, but if you talk to Maria you will find out that books sometimes disapear for a week or so and just re appear later. If you talk to Karen she will claim she knows nothing about it. She is also secretly freinds with the Super Mutant. If you ask him who taught him to play guitar, he won't tell you, saying that it is a secret, but he will talk kindly of Karen. (yes, I am going to have a guitar playing Super Mutant if I can get it figured out, I'll put more info later)


I assume you saw the concept I did of Karen's initial outfit. (if not scroll down. it is at the bottom of this post) You will learn that she wears the armor all the time, even when not on duty, to keep the guys at the Tavern from treating her like a sex object. (you know how guys get when at bars...) She has been arested a few times for assaulting customers at the bar (usualy out of town traders who are just visiting) for makeing a move on her.


When she starts falling in love with you, she will pull out one of her sister's old outfits that she says she always thought looked beautiful on her sister. She is shy about wearing short skirts and girly clothes, so it takes a while to get her to wear that stuff, and she will comment about that when she wears it.


If you get her to open up, and then you dump her or cheat on her, she will simply just put a bullet in your head. Karen would never cheat on you once she starts to like you.


Karen is one of the younger girls, being the same age or slightly younger than the player character, who is 18. She is also a lot less likely to want to start a family, but more likely to have sex before getting married or moveing in. She will invite you to the back hotel room of the Tavern when you get her to really fall in love with you.





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Wow...thats so descriptive, and very incredible :D


First off, nobody knows me here, but I've been secretly checking on this mod ever since I saw it (Yet I don't even own the PC version of Fallout 3 :P )


Second, I think that it all fits Karen pretty well. Nothing really seemed out of place, and I love it when people are really tough looking, but nice inside :D


I can't wait to see what this turns out to be, and see this as one of the biggest "unofficial" mods for Fallout 3.


Oh, and can't wait to see the other character descriptions :D


Good luck!

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Wow...thats so descriptive, and very incredible :D


First off, nobody knows me here, but I've been secretly checking on this mod ever since I saw it (Yet I don't even own the PC version of Fallout 3 :P )


Second, I think that it all fits Karen pretty well. Nothing really seemed out of place, and I love it when people are really tough looking, but nice inside :D


I can't wait to see what this turns out to be, and see this as one of the biggest "unofficial" mods for Fallout 3.


Oh, and can't wait to see the other character descriptions :D


Good luck!


Well, at least I know some people actualy read my ramblings :biggrin:


I have a few more typed up, but I don't want to post them untill I get some more feedback, because then people would get distracted with all the characters, but Karen is deffinatly the most advanced so far, since I found her personality to be one of the more interesting to work with...


I have been thinking about also haveing a big sister / little sister type relationship form between Karen and the little girl. The girl that gets left out by her older brother and the other kids because she is too young, and is forgoten about by her crazy grandma who can hardly tell the difference between a Deathclaw and her own grandkids (I'm not makeing fun of old people, she had made way too many "experemental" potions that have fried her brain into an almost constant halucagenic state... but she still makes damn good stimpaks if you bring her stuff from you farm)


As you develop a relationship with Karen, she will start to open up, and you will unlock dialogue with both Karen and the Little girl that reveals that they have become good freinds. I may also include the Super Mutant into this little group of outcasts... Mabe make some sort of quest that involves the three of them...

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Hehe, all these descriptions make it sound like your writing a huge story XD


But ya, I think that the relationships would be a great thing. Perhaps, a few options here or there could make Karen and the girl start to dislike each other. And then they would start to get mad at you :P


A quest would be pretty cool. I always love quests :D


Oh, I also like to come up with lots of ideas, so I hope you don't mind it if I share some, some might just be totally random :P

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I am really liking how this mod is coming along! I can tell you have put a lot of time into this and all I can say is keep up the good work. I would like to help you out in any way I can, what I can do and am passionate about is making mod videos. So if you need my abilities or imput on your ideas I would be happy to help!
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Any help at all is appreciated, and any feedback on my characters and ideas is helpful


makeing a video would be awesome once I'm done, but that will be a while


but anyways


*****picture moved to later post*****


Now I have to go through and make a blueprints for the rooms in each house... I am already almost done with the player house, and am working on a log cabin. After I set out the blueprints for the houses, I will start takeing the peices from my already built houses and arrange them into new ones to fill up the town


01 - Tavern

02 - General Store

03 - Mayor's House

04 - Barber

05 - Open

06 - Medicine Shop

07 - Open

08 - Barracks / Gate

09 - Bakery

10 - Player House

11 - Other Farm

12 - Carpenter

13 - Blacksmith

14 - Library

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Wow this is looking great! Will that water be part of the village? If so will it be kind of like a community pool or just pretty water to look at?


They have a water purifier so it will be totaly fresh water they can use for crops, drinking, or swimming in, though no one can swim in the far left pond, since that is where they get the drinking water from


well, it won't start out totally fresh, you have to fix the purifier to get it in good shape, before that it is slightly irradiated and no one swims in it


it is a big part of the restoration of the town


also, here is some of my progress on the house am working on


once I get the first one done the rest will be a lot easier



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Still looking great, glad you showed us some more pics! I'm truly loving the house, I'm guessing it's the players? Oh, and will it start off looking kinda destroyed, and you have to fix it up?


And the city "pre"blueprints are looking good :)


EDIT: I plan on selling my ps3 version of Fallout 3 for the PC version. And to be honest, it's mostly because of this mod ( Very little of another mod :P )

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