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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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can you just give them a child in exchange for completing a quest for you?


why a child?

and how would you get a child?

and what do you mean?

that would depend on the character anyway



the quest with the kid from the town with ants, you could send him to the town once you discover it and ask around about kids (basically just a map marker check that triggers convo options with the villagers that add an objective to his quest about taking him to the town)


we need a better name for it...... (the town)


I just thought it would be funny to sacrafice a child :mellow:


I wasn't really serious




But I could easily make some items for you to go out and get for the one evil guys





But I am planning on eventually havein a kid you can adopt (and not sacrafice to crazy evil people) after you save it from the wasteland. And they would just hang out at your house and stuff.

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yes, that wouldn't be too hard to add items


vanilla stuff that people are more attached to, or have more experience with would make a better payment (since it matters more), plus that wouldn't be as much work

but thats just an idea, people can be attached to mod items (like my Beretta.....)


a kid would be neat, but that should change things with the relationships a bit (some of the more motherly/fatherly characters want to move in faster, some of the less parently characters move in slower) but that could get hard with scripting and stuff

maybe when you arrive, people mention that one of the villagers was killed in the wasteland, but the orphaned child runs out into the wasteland to find its parent, and you can find her/him cowering somewhere (with a horror story) or rescue from Raiders, and the child can be sent to Lamplight to stay (though reluctantly for it) until you want to take care of it, and can be sent back to Lamplight for whatever reason (kinda like the followers with their home area)

maybe an evil path when you find the child, like taking it to Paradise Falls or abandoning it (or if you have the cannibal perk, then a perk from... dinner)

thats kinda ambitious (and extremely cruel in parts) but it might add some interesting things with the child

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yes, that wouldn't be too hard to add items


vanilla stuff that people are more attached to, or have more experience with would make a better payment (since it matters more), plus that wouldn't be as much work

but thats just an idea, people can be attached to mod items (like my Beretta.....)


a kid would be neat, but that should change things with the relationships a bit (some of the more motherly/fatherly characters want to move in faster, some of the less parently characters move in slower) but that could get hard with scripting and stuff

maybe when you arrive, people mention that one of the villagers was killed in the wasteland, but the orphaned child runs out into the wasteland to find its parent, and you can find her/him cowering somewhere (with a horror story) or rescue from Raiders, and the child can be sent to Lamplight to stay (though reluctantly for it) until you want to take care of it, and can be sent back to Lamplight for whatever reason (kinda like the followers with their home area)

maybe an evil path when you find the child, like taking it to Paradise Falls or abandoning it (or if you have the cannibal perk, then a perk from... dinner)

thats kinda ambitious (and extremely cruel in parts) but it might add some interesting things with the child


all of that should be quite easy


the only delima is the connection between all the dynamic characters, it will be a challenge to keep all the dialogue based on different changes and such organized



but it really shouldn't take much more than adding a few more lines of dialogue to the characters in the town for when you bring the child home, and then add relationship points when the girls see you with the child and whatever.


it would just mean whole new branches of dialogue for all the characters...

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yes, the dialogue could get tough


maybe make the kid a future plan, once the mods done/releasable/semi done, cause its pretty standalone it seems like, and don't want TOO much work so (relatively) early


ya, im not putting any work into the kid at this very moment, other than just planning


I have an extra room in the house for the kid and such, but the kid will probly end up being an update shortly after the mod is released or whatever






I have been trying to find a good way to organize all of the lines of dialogue with the options and the variables than open up other conversations with that npc or other npcs, and how each on interacts with each other and such...


if anyone knows any good ways of keeping stuff like this organized, tell me





I am far from a left brain thinker, even though I try my best to keep everything in a workable order, this is more because I know that I am usually too exentric to get things done if I don't take a step by step approach, not because I am in any way an analytical thinker...


Organization is more of a skill I leared based on neccessity and not something that comes natural to me...

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send me what you have and I'll take a look, not sure how well I can work with dialogue (I've never done much of it before), but might help


all the dialogue is still in my head, and I really don't feel like sending that to you... I might need it


I have done dialogue for storys before, but the interactivity throws a whole different spin on things when you are trying to get it on paper or typed up.

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all the dialogue is still in my head, and I really don't feel like sending that to you... I might need it


I have done dialogue for storys before, but the interactivity throws a whole different spin on things when you are trying to get it on paper or typed up.


I have been trying to find a good way to organize all of the lines of dialogue with the options and the variables than open up other conversations with that npc or other npcs, and how each on interacts with each other and such...


if anyone knows any good ways of keeping stuff like this organized, tell me


I had the same troubles while making my mod. It also has a lot of dialogue going on. Maybe i can help you with some tips. In the beginning of my mod i used a mindmanager program link to get it organized. Then i made a spreadsheet to keep track of the needed variables.


As last step i made the dialogue in geck (i hate this small font) and checked if it feels like i am talking with a real person. That was the longest part and i cutted a lot of previously planned lines because it didnt feel right.

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