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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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Hmm...the "other farm" building... I feel too much is on the first floor... Perhaps, combine Anns bedroom + bathroom, so the bathroom is just a small room near her other wall. And, maybe shift all the bedrooms to the top floor? If so, you could also switch the 3rd and 2nd floor (3rd floor is an idea)


You mentioned that you wanted the Super Mutant Barber to play on GNR... why would he be there, playing his guitar? :P


Oh! perhaps the way that you find the town, is a tip that the Super Mutant Barber gives off on the radio?



once you install the mod, regardless of what was playing (override maybe), Three Dog could say that he got a tape from a super mutant (then go on and on about how unlikely mutants being smart is) and mention a general location, then play the song

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Hmm...the "other farm" building... I feel too much is on the first floor... Perhaps, combine Anns bedroom + bathroom, so the bathroom is just a small room near her other wall. And, maybe shift all the bedrooms to the top floor? If so, you could also switch the 3rd and 2nd floor (3rd floor is an idea)


You mentioned that you wanted the Super Mutant Barber to play on GNR... why would he be there, playing his guitar? :P


Oh! perhaps the way that you find the town, is a tip that the Super Mutant Barber gives off on the radio?


I've been thinking about a couple different things for the second farm, I wasn't sure if I was going to put everything on the first floor or just move all the bedrooms upstairs, and mabe just have two bathrooms downstairs...


I'm not 100% sure which direction to go with that one yet


I'll get another screenshot of the house up in a few minutes, I am trying to get the front windows put back on, but they are glitching out for some reason...

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Lol, yes! and the tape, at the end, you hear a guy walk in a door with a bell ringing and says like "...What are you doing?" and the super mutant is like "I - uh - was making an audition tape" and then you hear it stop recording :P



maybe have him sing some really soft love song in his gravely mutant voice!

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Here are the screenshots I promised


I hope to have the house done this week sometime, or at least the model, so I can start on textures and stuff







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The roof is going to be a pain, because I am going to go through and actualy add elevation to the shingles in the high poly model...


but I have to have the model 100% done before I can unwrap it, convert the high poly to a normal bumpmap, and then texture the thing


I am going to use almost completly new textures, but mabe a few of Bethesda's to have it blend better with the rest of the Wasteland, especialy in the early stages


I have also been thinking of makeing this the Mayor's house enstead, and makeing a smaller version for the player, because not only does the player not need 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, and an office, but because it will be easyer for me to add extra stages to the player home if it is smaller (more than the standard 3 for most of the town)



but anyways, I guess it is about time for another character update :biggrin:


I was debateing on whether or not to do Ellie or the most recent character I have been working on, Popari, but I decided on Elli because mabe I will think of some more stuff on Popari between now and tommorow.


and one more side note before I get started, I am haveing no luck getting inspiration for Ann... I have a good idea about what I want from the other girls, but I just don't know about Ann... so any sugestions would be great








Ellie is one of the nicest people you will meet in the Capital Wasteland (I guess that isn't saying much...) Even when you first walk into town out of the harsh wastes, she greets you like she has been your freind for years. Her main goal is to help as many people as possible. She is the only girl that did not grow up in the town.


Ellie was born inside of a Vault, but when she was still young, the Enclave discovered the Vault and took over. All the kids in the Vault were taken from there parents and put into the Enclaves "pure youth program", a program to raise non mutated childern to be carry on the Enclave's mission into the future, and protect the last remnants of humans not affected by radiation. While growing up in the Enclave, Ellie learned to be a top rate chef, and was soon hired by very immportant Enclave officials to cater meals for immportant meetings and to VIP guests.


While providing food to immportant high ranking Enclave members, Ellie overheard conversations she wasn't sapposed to, and didn't want to hear. Ellie realised the the Enclave that she was raised to beleive in and fight for was far more corrupt than she could immagine. She realised that the heads of the Enclave were prospering, while the people of the Wasteland suffered, and the Enclave had no real intentions on helping them out.


Wanting to spread the gift of her food to the people that needed it, as opposed to just the corrupt heads of the Enclave, Ellie left at the age of 17 to find a new home in the Wasteland. However, Ellie lacked any sort of survival skills and was quickly lost and without food or water in the middle of nowhere. She was almost captured by slavers when Karen's big sister who was on patrol, saved her and took her back to the town.


Forever gratefull for being saved, and seeing the supply of water, brahmin milk, and vegtables, Ellie decided to set up shop in the town.


Ellie is very open and freindly towards others, but does not trust the Super Mutant or Franklin the Ghoul, though she is never rude to them, she tries to avoid being around them too much. Ellie is also very charitable, if you can convince her you are poor and need help, she will quickly offer you free food, and she will actualy be more attracted to you if you act like you are in need (mostly because of her expereince with people with power in the Enclave)


Ellie spends most of her time cooking or hanging around talking to the people of the town


Ellie doesn't partucularly like being around Karen, but she feels sorry for her, and that because off what Karen's sister did for her before her untimely death, she wants to help Karen in every way she can. Karen is nothing but rude to Ellie, and will refuse to talk to her about anything involving her sister. Elli will regularly make food and leave it for Karen, since Karen is one of the only people that never comes by her store to get food. Ellie wishes she could get Karen to talk about her problems and be more open and freindly


Ellie is the most mature and oldest of the girls. She is about 26 and has a much more realistic view of the world than some of the others. She is the most likely to get married to you, and is the hardest to get to hae sex before you marry her. If you cheat on her she will be very sad, but won't start a big fight or anything. Being overly freindly to everyone she has a higher chance of cheating on you.


She is also going to have the most "curvey" body type, because it would be crazy to have a chef being super skinny...

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about Ellie's childhood.....

that Enclave program is kinda like Hitler's Youths (I think it was called)

and thats questionably canon on the Enclave breaking into a Vault and having a youth propaganda program (I know thats being unnecessarily picky, but I'm just pointing that out)

though wanting to spread her gift of cooking to the wasteland sounds a bit flimsy, she was either misinformed (GREATLY misinformed at that) or just naive

so will she have her own building, or a room somewhere, maybe a restaurant or a stall/tent selling food

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Yes, I didn't see Ellie's room in the blueprints...for that matter, I didn't see Karen's room either... :huh:


Ellie seems to be the right kinda person, but why does she dislike/not want to talk to the Super Mutant Barber and the Ghoul...who I don't think I have heard of before :P


Can't wait to see Popari! And the houses!

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